The Issue of Blocking Habib Rizieq Should Be Questioned

The Issue of Blocking Habib Rizieq Should Be Questioned

By: Ahmad Pahlevi )*

Front of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), which until now is in Saudi Arabia, Habib Rizieq Shihab again voiced ahead of Reunion 212. Through a video on Youtube account, Habib Rizieq accused himself of being banned by the Government of Saudi Arabia based on recommendations from the Government of Indonesia. The issue of banning is questionable because Habib Rizieq is only airing it now. In addition, the Government of Indonesia cannot intervene in the Government of Saudi Arabia.

Habib Rizieq again issued a controversial statement and shocked the public. Now, he is again looking for sensations when the “dying” reunion will be held by PA 212, December 2 next. The news in the social media was so crowded when HRS showed two bans on him. He claimed if the letter was ordered by the Indonesian government.

Previously, through a video titled “Message from Habib Rizieq Syihab at the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW DPP FPI”,

He conveyed once again to all Indonesian people, to all friends, that since one year 7 months ago, precisely since 1 Shawwal 1439, he had been banned by the Saudi government on the mandate of the Indonesian government.

Judging from the contents of the recording, it looks like Habib Riziq was almost on fire when he couldn’t go home. In fact, a number of reports said Habib Rizieq had to pay an overstayed fine in Saudi Arabia. He sulked on asking his supporters to help him get discharged. Is that important?

HRS added that the Saudi Arabian government would revoke its bans on the condition that Indonesia would guarantee that the return of Habib Rizieq would be safe and calm. He also mentioned that the Indonesian Government pretended not to know and was ignorant of this case. Including insinuating about the April 2019 Presidential Election.

Meanwhile, Menkopolhukam Mahfud MD firmly stated that the government had never issued a ban letter for Rizieq Shihab. He also mentioned since serving in the stone office for three weeks there was no such letter. Mahfud also challenged Habib Rizieq to show evidence of the letter he claimed.

There is something interesting here, the exalted FPI leader is considered “mencla – mencle” with his statement. Through several accounts social media users also commented on events that happened to Habib. One of them is;

“This is strange, noisy is blocked, and noisy is overstayed. But, at the same time FPI twins PA 212 defending his lord had demanded the government pay the overstay? Even though he once said he wanted to raise funds from the people. Logically, as long as he wants a reunion like this, certainly his people want to meet HRS, so they demanded that the government pay overstay? why don’t people now seriously raise funds to pay HRS fines? “

Fundraising plans to pay overstayed fines are considered as mistakes of thought. These funds should be used to help people who are experiencing difficulties. This was considered more important than sending HRS back to attend the reunion. If seen from the hilarious comments of netizens, we can conclude that it is true that HRS only wants Social Climbing (Pansos) alias to go up again. In fact, if he is indeed banned for what the issue has just been rolled out now, new evidence is shown. Is not, logically the evidence must be included at the beginning when the blocking event occurred. Given, it’s been almost 2 years, you know!

Some people agree with the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security, to keep on studying this case. Moreover, Indonesia is a state of law, and the law is useful for the country. Nevertheless, Mahfud did not dismiss if Habib Rizieq also had the right to get protection as a citizen. However, the state also has the right to guard its existence. That is, the state has the right to guarantee the security and integrity of the nation because it is a form of state responsibility to all its people.

In fact, the actions of FPI leaders were considered by many to be quite negative. This is reflected when there is no evidence of libel blocking or expulsion by the Indonesian state over him. Especially when HRS wants the Indonesian government to pay its investment penalty in Saudi Arabia. Isn’t this something funny. Because, his departure to Saudi Arabia is to avoid the cases that ensnared him.

This indicates that Habib Rizieq was just making it up because he wanted to roll out an issue that would raise his image, but bring down the government. It would be better if Habib Rizieq patiently waits for the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security to finish investigating his case. After all, didn’t he once said he was comfortable there. Then, why have to rush back to Indonesia for a reunion?

)* The author is a social political observer

BlockingFPIHabib Rizieq
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