The Job Creation Law Creates a Conducive Investment Climate

The Job Creation Law Creates a Conducive Investment Climate

By: Alfisyah Dianasari )*

The Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law is a breakthrough by the Government in facilitating business licensing in Indonesia. With this regulation, it is believed that the investment climate will be more conducive.

The work copyright law, which has been passed by the DPR, is believed to be the solution for the creation of the Indonesian workforce. The investment climate grows and facilitates the micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) sector in terms of business establishment licensing.

Sari Pramono as Chair of the Manpower, Vocational and Health Sector at the Central Executive Board (BPP) of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI), said the Job Creation Law would create more jobs. The Indonesian workforce will also have a decent income.

He considered that the Job Creation Law could create a conducive investment and business climate. Especially in the SME industry, so that they can compete at the global level.

Pramono said the ratification of the Ciptaker Law could reduce problems and obstacles for the industry. With the existence of the Omnibus Law, it is hoped that this regulation can attract investment in order to increase the capacity of the national MSME industry.

As an entrepreneur, he hopes that the Job Creation Law can always encourage the economy and investment through the creation and expansion of job opportunities. The dynamics of global economic change require quick and precise responses. Without structural reforms, economic growth will continue to slow down.

The Job Creation Law will also increase Indonesia’s competitiveness and encourage investment. As a result, this will create a lot of jobs thus accelerating the recovery of the national economy.

He also hopes that the number of job creation will increase per year with the passing of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation. The increasing unemployment rate due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is a challenge that must be overcome through the Job Creation Law.

The Ciptaker Law is believed to be able to answer various fundamental economic problems, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. With the collaboration between the government, business world and trade or labor unions, it is hoped that the problem of lack of employment can be resolved gradually.

Through the Ciptaker Law, issues related to employment are no longer a polemic, a qualified workforce certainly has a high standard of welfare.

On the previous occasion, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma’ruf Amin said that the Ciptaker Law has the aim of creating a conducive climate for investment and the business world.

This law is necessary because so far the creation of a conducive climate for investment and the business world is constrained by convoluted regulations, as well as overlapping existing regulations, so it takes a long time.

Ma’ruf said, this caused Indonesia to lose competitiveness with other countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and others.

Particularly, in terms of ease of investment which results in delays in job creation in the country.

Therefore, improvements through the new law are also needed so that the government becomes more responsive, faster and makes it easier for all parties.

Ma’ruf Amin also ensured that the Ciptaker Law was the government’s response to community demands. Especially the demand for job creation, improvement of the bureaucracy and simplification of regulations as well as creating a climate conducive to investment and the business world.

In a webinar organized by The Jakarta Post, Ma’ruf Amin hopes that after the Covid-19 pandemic, MSMEs in Indonesia can run fast.

Because after all, the economic impact of the MSME movement is considered very important for the national economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic.

The working copyright law is the main asset for economic recovery next year. This regulation is believed to be able to streamline the hyperegulation that has long been an obstacle to investment growth in Indonesia.

Chairman of KADIN Andik Dwi Putranto said that the Omnibus Law can give hope to entrepreneurs who experience difficulties in investment licensing.

The passage of the Job Creation Law is certainly expected to encourage national economic recovery and lead Indonesia to a just, prosperous and prosperous country.

The Job Creation Law is also considered to be able to help Indonesia escape the brink of economic recession. This is because the Job Creation Law will attract a lot of investment into the country.

Job creation is a must to accommodate Indonesia’s demographic bonus which is estimated to occur in 2030, when the number of productive age population is more than the elderly or school-aged population.

The Job Creation Law is an umbrella that ensures that the licensing process can be done easier and faster, with a conducive investment climate, of course this can have an impact on labor absorption.

)* The author is a living citizen

ClimateConduciveInvestmentJob Creation Law
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