The Job Creation Law is the Key to National Economic Recovery

The Job Creation Law is the Key to National Economic Recovery

By: Alfa Mayora )*

The government is aggressively restoring the national economy so that it is no longer trapped in the economic crisis of volume 2. Therefore, the Job Creation Law was inaugurated in the midst of a pandemic and becomes a savior, so that our financial condition will rise again. This law will change the regulations in the sector of licensing and cooperatives.

There are various economic problems in Indonesia that have arisen due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Many unemployed people arise because companies are losing money. Small and large traders collapsed. This setback in the economy arises due to decreased purchasing power, and also occurs in global markets. But we have to get up so that we don’t get into trouble.

The inauguration of the Work Creation Law in October 2020 is an important point because this law will break various regulations that have hindered entrepreneurs. Bureaucracy and licensing will also be made easier, so that people’s lives will be better. Meanwhile, the government also paid attention to MSME businessmen, because there was ease in granting business licenses.

Permit issues are very important because they are very much needed, so that the business runs smoothly. Because if a businessman has got legality, he can expand overseas. When going to export the goods they sell, the buyer always requires a business license, so that there is trust between the two parties. Businessmen can develop their business to be on an international scale.

Business permits are also important because currently many are doing micro rather than macro businesses. This was stated by Karuniana Dianta Sebayang, an academic from the Faculty of Economics, Jakarta State University. So it is hoped that there will be many SMK and SMA graduates who want to become entrepreneurs, even though only on a micro scale. Not hunting for jobs in factories or offices.

If business permits are made easier, then SMK and SMA alumni will be enthusiastic about doing business, because there is already clear legality. When, for example, they sell on the side of the road (for a while) because they do not have a place to stay, then when they are surrounded the officers will be able to defend themselves. Because his business already has a license and is not just an illegal trader.

In addition, the Job Creation Law also facilitates the formation of cooperatives, which only requires 9 people. Cooperatives are not something out of date. In fact, nowadays people need cooperatives to collaborate, so that their business can progress. You do this by forming an entrepreneur cooperative.

By collaborating in a cooperative, they will work together, not compete. Later, we will be able to share in business strategies, how to online marketing and create a business website, how to do branding, address and telephone information for suppliers, and others. So that the business can run rapidly and increase the coffers of money.

Entrepreneurs will be able to survive even in a pandemic situation and benefit from cooperatives. Because so far some have thought that cooperatives are only for savings and loan or village unit cooperatives, but there are also other types of cooperatives. So as to make businessmen support each other, not overturning each other.

If their business progresses, employers will be able to add employees so that many unemployed people change their status and become permanent workers. Then there will be a positive domino effect, namely an increase in people’s purchasing power, because the number of unemployed is drastically reduced. Everyone has a salary and can meet their basic needs without having to pawn goods at home.

The Job Creation Law makes the economy spin fast, because it makes licensing easier. The effect will only be felt in the next few months. But people will feel it. When business licenses are made easy, business runs smoothly and makes entrepreneurs profitable. The community also benefits because they can apply for work at their own company and increase their purchasing power. So that we avoid the economic crisis.

)* The author is a Youth Care for the Nation contributor

economicJob Creation LawNationalRecovery
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