The Job Creation Law will improve the investment climate in 2021

The Job Creation Law will improve the investment climate in 2021

By: Savira Ayu) *
The Job Creation Law is an inducement that will attract foreign investment to enter Indonesia, because it guarantees ease of licensing and bureaucratic reform. When investors enter, the climate will improve, because we will have the capital to start progress. The country’s financial condition will improve.
When the end of the pandemic is not in sight, we must not despair. Even though people’s purchasing power has decreased because their income has also decreased, entrepreneurs are working extra hard to survive. One way to survive is to find investors, and foreign investment is very lucrative, because they have more funds.
Especially now that the Job Creation Law has been enacted and it is only a matter of time for the enactment of its derivative regulations. This law will be a trigger for foreign investors to flock to Indonesia. The reason is because there is a guarantee from the government to facilitate business licenses, both for local and foreign businessmen.
Economic observer Ibrahim Assuabi stated that the Job Creation Law will boost investment in 2021, because there is a guarantee of ease of business legality. Apart from that, this law embraces all that is needed by foreign investors. Starting from licensing issues to investment realization.
Why should foreign investment? Because the country’s economy is in a slump. Meanwhile, foreign investors have sufficient funds to build a company in Indonesia. So that there will be a lot of income to the government which comes from taxes. In addition, investment companies will absorb unemployment, thereby reducing social problems in Indonesia.
Ibrahim continued, in 2021 many foreign investors will enter Indonesia, because the Job Creation Law guarantees almost all lines. Starting from the problem of business licensing to labor guarantees. So they believe and feel valued, and want to invest in Indonesia. After previously only wanting to enter neighboring countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand.
Foreign businessmen feel that President Jokowi’s current administration has made licensing easier and cut the flow of bureaucracy. So they don’t have to wait months like before to get business legality. But it only takes a maximum of 7 working days to get it. It can also be managed online, saving time and money.
The entry of foreign investment is a positive thing, because one indication of a developed country is the number of investors. When Indonesia is entered by foreign investors, there will be many projects and the investment climate and economy will improve. We will be free from the recession and the threat of economic crisis volume 2.
However, Ibrahim warned that while waiting for the entry of foreign investors, the government must improve infrastructure. So that it will facilitate the running of the investment project. So starting from 2021 onwards, we are getting ready to welcome investors and cooperate with positive goals.
When many foreign investors enter, don’t be seen as something negative, let alone think of them as cukong. Investment is not a modern occupation. But it’s a way for both parties to get the same benefit, aka a symbiotic mutualism.
We must change the mindset and consider the entry of investors as progress. Because their trust is expensive. Investors also work professionally and transmit a positive work ethic and discipline to their employees. They are also obliged to transfer knowledge, so that employees become smarter.
The Job Creation Law which brought in foreign investors made the investment climate in Indonesia improved. Because investors have more than enough funds to build factories, and automatically reduce unemployment. Investors also like to work in Indonesia, because there is a guarantee of ease of licensing and workers.

) * The author is a United Muslim Millennial contributor

2021ClimateimproveInvestmentJob Creation Law
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