The Menace of South China Sea Dispute

China reclamation islands in the South China Sea (LCS)

By: Irvan Hakim *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – South China Sea dispute (LCS) became a hot issue discussed international community. China claims the entire region LCS because of the historical value that existed at LCS. They are overlook the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). That followed protests from countries that international law has the right to territory LCS, namely Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand. The Claims are likely have intend to be expanded to the Indonesia’s teritorial. Indonesia has the islands that are in the LCS, the Natuna islands.

Recently, China’s coastguard ships that are armed had been prove enter Indonesia’s teritory. They also help the chinese fishing boat (KM Kway Fey) who conduct illegal fishing in Indonesian territory. Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiati explained that the process of catching vessel KM Kway Fey 10078 inhibited by two heavily armed ships. They saved the ship KM Kway Fey with rammed the ship. To prevent unwanted things, KP 11 Sharks were forced to return.

China’s actions had violated the sovereignty of Indonesia. The incident is not the first carried out by the coastguard China. Earlier in 2013, they never do the same thing when he would do the arrest of a Chinese fishing boat that carried out arrests in the area of Indonesia. Supposedly this incident into introspection for the government in securing the territorial sea and the natural resources that exist in it.

We need to be aware of the impact of the LCS dispute heats up lately. China decisions  to operates their fleet in LCS can trigger conflicts armed conflict or even exploited economically in order to free the Chinese fishermen throughout the region LCS. The government should resolve this issue through dialogue and international law. And to improve maritime safety Indonesia also need to increase the quality and quantity of a war fleet to safeguard maritime boundaries Indonesia. This will increase the militancy personnel guard the Indonesian ocean from foreign interference.

We need to realize the impact of the LCS dispute heated up lately. China’s decision to operate a fleet of them in the LCS can trigger conflicts armed conflict or even to exploit the natural resources in the entire LCS. The government should resolve this issue through dialogue and international law. And to improve maritime safety Indonesia also needs to improve the quality and quantity of a war fleet to guard the maritime boundaries Indonesia. This will increase the power of the sea militancy keep Indonesia from foreign interference. [IH]

*) CIDISS Contributor

China reclamationisland in LCSSouth China Sea (LCS)South China Sea dispute
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