The Oldest Padepokan Silat in Tasikmalaya, Support Paslon No. 1.

The Oldest Padepokan Silat in Tasikmalaya, Support Paslon No. 1.

By : Grace Septiana *

Chairman of Jokowi – Ma’ruf National Campaign Team (TKN), Erick Tohir, stated that he was increasingly optimistic that candidate pair number 01 could win the 2019 Presidential Election. One of the things that fostered optimism was the growing number of declarations of support for Jokowi – Ma’ruf, from various parties.

Erick also said that there were 700 declarations which expressed support for Jokowi from various circles in various regions of Indonesia. In fact, hundreds of supports were often carried out without coordination to TKN, because the declaration held volunteers. The name of the declaration is the majority, he said. This actually shows the nature of Jokowi’s supporters who have expanded from various circles, such as the Pencak Silat martial arts college in Tasikmalaya.

The oldest Padepokan Silat in Tasikmalaya on Wednesday (1/30) held a declaration of support to the candidate pairs (Paslon) of Presidential Candidates – Vice President 01, Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin. This statement of support from the Big Family of the Padjadjaran Pencak Silat Padjajaran Center in Central Tasikmalaya was conducted right at the anniversary of the 49th hermitage.

The activity which took place in the Padepokan Hall, Sirnajaya Village, Sukaraja Subdistrict, Tasikmalaya Regency was attended by the Head of Security of the National Campaign Team (TKN) Brigadier General Ret. Herwin Supardjo. He also said, the commitment through the declaration later with Padjajaran Padepokan indirectly has built a community that can give birth to solidarity, loyalty, tolerance and militancy to the NKRI authorities who hold firm to the 1945 Constitution and the Unity in Diversity.

This was proven, that those who attended the Padepokan Birthday came from different religions, ethnicities, nationalities and races. It seems that Padepokan is a vision and mission of Chakra as a supplement and a bridge to make choices in the 2019 Presidential Election. The party also added, with the presence of the knights in Padepokan Padjajaran, there was also an optimism that the target above 50% of Jokowi’s victory for West Java Province was very confident . Moreover, the incumbent program is very good and touches the people of Indonesia.

In Jokowi’s leadership for a period, he has been proven to be able to neutralize, detect early threats to the State. In the future, it will certainly be more than that. The Board of Trustees at the Padjajaran Central Pencak Silat Center, Anton Charliyan, said that the support for the presidential candidate number 1 was a step he deemed realistic because the results of his development were felt to be felt. It felt that support for partner No. 01 was realistic, especially in West Java, this was due to infrastructure development such as the Jatigede Dam, a number of airports, roads were getting smoother, then various subsidies such as education and health, attention to the poor . The program was felt to be very touching to the wider community. Said the former West Java Regional Police Chief.

The program was in fact able to touch the community that had not been done significantly by the previous president. The former West Java Regional Police Chief said the declaration was also carried out in 10 other provinces. Up to RT / RW and TPS levels. Head of Security for the Jokowi-Ma’ruf National Campaign Team (TKN), Brigadier General Purn Herwin Supardjo, said that this declaration was expected to increase votes in West Java. Based on his predictions of support for Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin in West Java for the 2019 Election to reach more than 50%. Meanwhile, on the same occasion, Professor of the Padjajaran Central Pencak Silat Padepokan, Raden Sany Wijaya Nata Kusumah Brata Manggala considered Jokowi’s leadership according to him to be continued. At present, members of hermitage throughout Indonesia have a number of millions of members. To that end, he promised that as many as 17 million followers throughout Indonesia could be assured of fully supporting the presidential candidate pair No. 1 Jokowi – Ma’ruf on April 17.

The attitude to choose has no problems, God willing, it will be smooth, it can be ascertained that it will fully support the Presidential candidate Number 1. After the declaration he and his organization will still not have more than one choice, they will not jump. In the 2014 Presidential Election, Jokowi also received support from the Pendekar Silat who joined the ranks of the Young Faithful Swordsman of the Nation Struggle stating support for Jokowi – JK in the 2014 Presidential Election. Jokowi was considered to have a warrior spirit. Coordinator of the Young Faithful Swordsman of the Nation’s Struggle, Gabianto said that among the two existing presidential candidates, who according to him had the qualifications of a warrior were only Jokowi. Jokowi is one of the students of the silat college. since junior high school Joko Widodo has studied pencak silat martial arts in Solo. “Jokowi has been called a warrior,” Gabiyanto said. In Jakarta Jokowi studied at the Mayor’s Office, West Jakarta. He has sent a number of knowledge to the former Governor of DKI Jakarta, including clutches, punches, fighting using sickles to play swords. In the martial arts there are four levels shown through the belt, namely black, red, green and white. Jokowi is reported to have reached the highest level, namely the white belt. Even Jokowi has passed the test called the night jurit. He also mentioned, with the declaration of the warrior, it was proven that not all fighters had supported the Prabowo pair, only because Prabowo was the chairman of the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI)

Support for Jokowi also came from the Padepokan Gadjah Putih Mega Paksi Pusaka which also supported the Jokowi-Ma’ruf pair. He emphasized that Jokowi’s leadership must continue. Because, the real work of President Jokowi for five years leading Indonesia has seen the results and the positive impact. For this reason Abah Ujer as the elder from the hermitage instructed the entire extended family of the Padepokan Gadjah Putih Mega Paksi Pusaka to fully support Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin.

*) FISIP student at Dharma Agung University

Jokowi - Ma'rufOldestPadepokan SilatTasikmalaya
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