The Parallelism of the Government Counteracts Radicalism

The rise of the spread of radical ideas is increasingly massive in the country. Not only in remote areas, now the spread of radicalism has begun to move within the government and government agencies. Based on the results of an investigation by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) there are dozens of mosques in government offices that have been exposed to radicalism. BIN spokesman Wawan Hari Purwanto said the data was the result of a study by the Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic Boarding School and Community Development Association (P3M) some time ago. From the results of the P3M survey, there were 41 mosques in the Government Environment exposed to radicalism. This has become an early warning for various authorities and authorities regarding the widespread spread of radicalism in society. BIN began to move by monitoring every sermon on the ministry’s and SOE’s environmental lectures, so that conduciveness was maintained from the spread of radicalism including the expression of hatred towards certain circles. In addition, said, Wawan Hari Purwanto said that there should be an early effort to prevent the spread of radicalism in mosques from other religious leaders. One of them is empowering preachers, where Da’i can give lectures that soothe and fight radical notions in society.

Previously, in a discussion on the Role of Islamic Organizations within the NKRI Arief Tugiman also said that 41 out of 100 mosques in the government office complex had been exposed to radicalism. Seven mosques are in the low category, 17 mosques are in the moderate category and 17 mosques are in the high category. Regarding the findings, the Head of the Public Information Bureau at the National Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo, stated that the police also supervised radical understanding in each region. The intelligence and members of community development are assigned to map and profiling regions, places or someone who has the potential to be exposed to radicalism. Which regions, which locations, places that have the potential for exposure to radicalism, or do not close the possibility of understanding radicalism can flourish in certain areas. So that mapping and profiling has been carried out by police intelligence and also by Binmas both from the Polsek, Polres and Polda levels. However, the police were reluctant to explain which areas were indicated as being exposed to radicalism and stated that radicalism in Indonesia had declined but asked each party to be vigilant because the current spread of radicalism had used technology such as social media.

Even so, the police said they could not carelessly carry out prevention and repression of radicalism but had to analyze it comprehensively in advance. In making an assessment, the police involved several parties such as local religious leaders and the National Counter Terrorism Agency. The mechanism is after mapping, profiling the organization, the management, the people, the people who often interact with the organization, then carried out on the basis, so that later from the MUI and the most competent religious figures who will assess and provide explanations.

The government really needs to crack down on radicalism findings that have used dozens of mosques as a means of disseminating misleading ideas. Because if not, the understanding of the Islamic community who worship in the mosques will be very easily influenced by the ideology of khilafah and disperse the Pancasila as the current state ideology. Therefore, the National Police, BNPT, TNI, and religious leaders are very vigorous in carrying out deradicalisation activities to mitigate and prevent radical teachings in society.


*) Student of FISIP Lambung Mangkurat University

Counteracts RadicalismRadicalismState Intelligence Agency
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