The Public is Optimistic that the Prabowo-Gibran Administration Will Elevate Indonesia to Greater Progress and Stability.

Jakarta – As time goes by, the transition of power from President Joko Widodo to the elected President Prabowo Subianto and Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka is getting closer. This transition process has become a public spotlight and has received support from various segments of society as well as political figures.

Political observer Pieter C. Zulkifli also shared his conviction about this.

“The Prabowo-Gibran administration is urged to be able to respond to every global dynamic with smart and effective policies, in order to safeguard national interests,” said Pieter.

According to him, the policies implemented by the upcoming government are assuredly aligned with their vision and mission during the campaign, including realizing the Pancasila economic system and achieving a prosperous Indonesia by 2045.

Pieter also highlighted the importance of the Prabowo-Gibran administration in responding to global challenges such as climate change, geopolitical tensions, and economic recovery.

“With the right policies, Indonesia can seize the existing opportunities to strengthen its position on the international stage, while also improving the welfare of its people domestically,” he emphasized.

Not only in the economic sector, the vision of the Prabowo-Gibran administration also encompasses education and infrastructure. The elected president Prabowo Subianto promised to accelerate infrastructure development in various underdeveloped areas, including border regions and remote villages. Both are also committed to improving the quality of education by strengthening a curriculum that is more adaptive to the times, including the digitalization of education.

The Chairman of the Islamic Student Association (HMI) Gorontalo Branch, Zakaria, has called on all elements of society to support this government transition process.

“I urge all elements of society, especially those in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, including Gorontalo, to fully support the transition of government.” “The government currently led by Mr. Jokowi will soon be continued by Mr. Prabowo Subianto,” he said.

Zakaria emphasizes the importance of the community’s role in maintaining stability during this transition process.

As the former President of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Ichsan University Gorontalo (UNISAN), he realizes that the success of the transition process depends not only on the government but also on the support of all layers of society.

“An inclusive transition is at the heart of democratic consolidation. It can create the political stability needed to support the success of future government programs,” he added.

Zakaria also emphasized that society must take advantage of this transitional moment to consolidate various elements of the community, ranging from academics and entrepreneurs to civil society groups.

“This is an opportunity for all of us to unite, collaborate, and make a real contribution to this nation.” “The transition of government is not just about who leads, but how we as a nation together realize the grand vision for Indonesia in the future,” he said.

In addition, he also reminded the importance of maintaining the spirit of mutual cooperation within the community, especially in facing the social and economic challenges that may arise during the transition period.

“Let us together uphold the spirit of unity and togetherness, because only with stability and collaboration can we realize a stronger and sovereign Indonesia in the future,” added Zakaria.

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