The public is urged to be aware of the Covid-19 mutation

The public is urged to be aware of the Covid-19 mutation

By: Ahmad Zarkasih )*

The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia and throughout the world has not ended. At present, there are even research results which state that the Corona Virus can mutate, so that it is more quickly transmitted. The public is asked to be more vigilant and always adhere to health protocols. As well as maintaining hygiene and immunity so as not to contract corona.

Covid-19 is a deadly virus that makes patients feel dizzy, short of breath and lose their sense of smell. Currently the corona disease is getting more and more vicious because according to WHO, it can be transmitted through dirty and stuffy air. In addition, the virus also mutates into types Q677H and D614G. This mutation causes corona transmission to be up to 10 times faster.

The Covid-19 virus type Q677H was found in Surabaya, while type D614G was found in Jogjakarta, Bandung, Tangerang and Jakarta. The discovery of this mutated virus is terrible because the potential for corona transmission in Indonesia is getting higher. Moreover, Surabaya has entered the black zone, because there are so many Covid-19 patients there. Avoid visiting there first.

According to the Head of the Lab of Applied Genetic Engineering and Design Protein LIPI Wien Kusharyoto, the number and place of spread of virus mutations is still limited. Meanwhile, the mutation of the Covid-19 type D614G virus, which is said to be able to spread the corona 10 times faster, is only limited to laboratory research. There has been no evidence from a Covid patient that he was infected with which type of virus.

However, this does not immediately make us feel safe. Even though mutated viruses are still rare, it doesn’t mean that the corona has passed away from Indonesia. We still have to comply with health protocols such as diligently washing hands with antiseptic soap, carrying hand sanitizers when traveling, wearing cloth masks, and also maintaining distance between people.

The public must be extra vigilant because it could be that the Covid-19 virus that has mutated silently spread to various places, is carried by OTG patients (people without symptoms). This virus cannot be seen with the naked eye, so we can only avoid potential transmission by minimizing the droplet jump rate. With protection from masks and hand sanitizers.

In contrast, people seem to forget that Indonesia is still in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic. After the era of adaptation to new habits was opened, euphoria reigned. They are back again free to shop at the market and forget not to wash their hands. Nor do they care if they buy tightly and traders don’t wear masks. This is very dangerous because it can cause a new corona cluster.

Likewise with other public places. When the bank opens again and visitors have to wear masks, those who don’t have masks borrow have a security guard. Even though masks are a personal item and borrowing is actually dangerous. Because the conditions are dirty and there could be droplets containing viruses, from previous customers who borrowed the masks.

To get people in order to comply with health protocols, it takes time and strong discipline. If mask raids only make people give up in a day, then it is better to intensify the distribution of free cloth masks. The socialization of health protocols has also been intensified again, both through broadcasts on TV and on social media.

In the mask distribution event, there were officers who socialized the pandemic in a rather extreme way. After giving him a cloth mask, he went around with some of his colleagues, carrying a coffin. Even the chest is planned to be used as a monument, as a warning of the ferocity of the corona. So people will remember to wear masks.

The corona virus has not disappeared from Indonesia and has instead mutated so that it spreads faster. The community must not be careless because if one person is infected, the whole family and people who come into contact with him will quickly become infected. Don’t forget to always wear a mask, bring a hand sanitizer, and keep your distance between people.

)* The author is active in the Jakarta Student Movement (GEMA)

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