The Role of the Community Maintaining a Conducive Situation Ahead of the Inauguration of the President and Vice President

The Role of the Community Maintaining a Conducive Situation Ahead of the Inauguration of the President and Vice President

By: Rahmat Siregar )*

The inauguration of the President who is still counting today, seems to not be separated from the dilemma. Starting from the issue of forest and land fires, Papuan riots, and student anarchist demonstrations. In fact, the inauguration becomes an important momentum considering that there is no legal government, so there will be chaos due to the absence of power (vacuum of power).

The importance of security conditions in various sectors including the inauguration ceremony of the President and Vice President is recognized by many parties. Not only the inauguration problem, further safeguarding this security is a form of readiness to ensure the procession does not experience intervention from any party.

The statement about the creation of a conducive situation before the inauguration was also expressed by the Chief of Staff of the President General Moeldoko. He admitted that in a meeting with Jokowi and his staff, efforts were made to create a conducive situation until the president and vice president-elect, Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin, were officially inaugurated on 20 October. He expressed priority in the certainty of this situation because it was suspected he had smelled indications of parties attempting to tackle the inauguration of the President and Vice President.

In this regard, the implication is that the inauguration will run smoothly without any interruption. Remember, if the inauguration fails then there will be a power vacuum. And this is a condition that endangers a country.

A power vacuum or so-called power vacuum is a condition that occurs when a holder of power has lost control of something and nothing can replace them. This is usually a political situation that can occur when the government does not have a central authority that can be identified. In other conditions the power will lead to “rush” to fill the vacancy situation. However, his concern will fill it in the form of rebellion, military coups, warlords, dictators to armed militias.

Judging from the opinion of Refly Harun as a constitutional law expert from the University of Indonesia in the past. He stated if the inauguration ceremony was postponed then a situation would arise as the power vacuum. This certainly should not happen, he considered this could happen when the old presidential leadership period was over. While the new leader has not yet been installed. And if that happens then, emergency state law will act.

Appeals and invitations to promote a conducive situation ahead of the inauguration came from Tariq Mahmud, as Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council (MPW) of the Pancasila Youth DKI Jakarta. He invited the entire community, especially Jakarta, to maintain a conducive situation ahead of the inauguration procession. His party has also coordinated with the provincial government, as well as police, police and police to participate in maintaining security as well as order.

He felt the need to be responsible for helping to maintain the security and unity of the Indonesian nation, related to its role as a community organization. Thus, it is clear that the Pancasila Youth have coordinated with security forces to be able to provide assistance. The implication is that the inauguration can run smoothly. He also hoped that the entire ranks of the Pancasila Youth and the community did not rush to believe in information whose source and truth were unclear.

Therefore, it is always necessary to double check information that is circulating. In order not to be swallowed raw information circulating. He said this also included a form of education to the wider community, to address all information with a cool head.

Another appeal came from Hasto Kristiyanto, as the Secretary of DPP PDIP, who hoped that the situation remained conducive ahead of the inauguration. He added that, a number of political processes that began with the inauguration of Members of the DPR and the MPR which took place on October 1, could run smoothly. It has also increased coordination. Given this inauguration must be fully supported by the creation of a conducive atmosphere. He also said, all parties in KIK had prepared political communication with other political parties and members of the DPD RI.

From some of the explanation above, the safety factor in the form of a conducive situation must indeed be created and maintained. Moreover, this inauguration event only happens once in five years. As a form of support for the validity of the election decision on the elected president and vice president, let’s join in creating a safe, comfortable and conducive situation. So that the procession will run smoothly.

)* The author is a social political observer

communityConduciveinaugurationPresidentSituationVice President
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