The Uproar of the Issue about Cabinet Reshuffle

leaders determine the composition of the cabinet
leaders determine the composition of the cabinet

By: Ahsan Zoelfa *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – Indonesian national politic be uproar again. This time, the uproar was caused by the issue of the reshuffle of Mr. Jokowi’s cabinet. Suddenly, the public attention was focused on that issue. The public is also got a guess, who can be displaced and who will be a new player in Mr. Jokowi’s Kabinet Kerja. Of course, the public’s was accompanied by assessment to the figures who is considered should be “kicked out” or “invited” into the Mr. Jokowi’s Kabinet Kerja.

Not only ordinary people, Indonesian political elite, in particular the members of Kabinet Kerja, also pays great attention to the issue. Especially for the members of Kabinet Kerja, the attention to the reshuffle issue was accompanied by the “anxiety” feeling. Of course, the anxiety was coming if someday, the member of Kabinet Kerja who were “kicked”, must be willing to giving up his/her position to someone else. Disappointed and a little hurt will certainly be felt by those ministers who get “kicked out” from the cabinet. If the reason that they got “kicked out” is based on their performance that were not satisfactory, the disappointed will not be suffered so much. However, it’s a different story if the reason that they got “kicked out” is not based on their performance, but because some “intervention” to Mr. Jokowi from particular party. Hurt, disappointed, perhaps even resentment could grow in the hearts of those who got “kicked out”.

Many people who found that the uproar of the issue about the cabinet reshuffle will only bring negative impact towards national politics. Even the Mr. Jokowi’s inner circle agreed with those view. Secretary of Cabinet Pramono Agung on various occasions often stated that the reshuffle merely just a discourse. The Minister of the State Secretary Supratikno on various occasions also stated the same thing with what was stated by Pramono Agung. In essence, the Mr. Jokowi himself did not want the public is being drifted by the issue about the cabinet reshuffle.

The attitude of Mr. Jokowi’s administration is reasonable. If the issue about reshuffle kept sticking, to some extent these issues will affect the performance of the members of the cabinet, particularly the figure that be guessed will be the one who get “kicked out”. Of course, Mr. Jokowi does not want his Nawacita is failed because his men got anxiety by the issue about reshuffle. The people of Indonesian have same thought. They don’t want their welfare become a victim from the minister that has bad performance which are caused by the issue about reshuffle which kept sticking.

However, the resistance of the government to the issue about reshuffle doesn’t mean that a cabinet reshuffle will not occur. The reshuffle of Mr. Jokowi’s Kabinet Kerja would have done if Mr. Jokowi is assuming that the cabinet needs to be reordered. Thus, Mr. Jokowi will definitely fill his cabinet with someone who has high capability and could realize Mr. Jokowi’s Nawacita. Of course, Mr. Jokowi’s independence to reshuffling his cabinet undoubtedly. Mr. Jokowi would not sacrifice his cabinet to be compromised by political interference of any party, because it could hamper his administration to realize the Nawacita. [AZ]

*) Jakarta Contributor

Cabinet ReshufflecompositionleadersReshufflethe cabinet
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