They’re only Payee

global terrorism
9/11 tragedy

A few years ago, Noordin M Top is touted as a terrorist leader in Indonesia. And now Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi But then there is the fact that giving evidence, that Noordin and Dr. Azhari only field a paid actor. Who’s the boss behind them?

Based on the logic of intelligence analyst Wawan Purwanto made a shocking testimony in his book entitled “Terrorism Undercover”. In 404 pages thick book which was launched August 8, 2009, the Wawan revealed Noordin and Dr Azhari just a messenger.

“A week after the bombing at the Australian Embassy, September 9, 2004, Noordin M Top and Dr. Azhari seen entering an embassy in Jakarta. Both were then given the money of thousands of dollars from the embassy that,” Wawan wrote in his book.

The information obtained from one companion Wawan, Noordin and Azhari who was to come to the embassy. However, where the embassy confirmed that entered Noordin and Azhari, Wawan did not want to divulge.

Only Wawan asserted, it proved foreign involvement in terrorism in Indonesia. According to Wawan, the terrorist group in Indonesia has been affiliated with several terrorist groups that exist in a number of countries, especially in the Middle East region.

“Terror is happening in Indonesia is part of the global terror. They can continue to act as a supply of technology and funds from abroad,” said the founder of the National Independence Development Institute (CIDISS).

Action Azhari and Noordin that earn money also prove that the action taken by both the terrorist leader actually that someone hired them. Who is he? Until now it is still a mystery.

Wawan warned though police managed to roll a terrorist group that bombed the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton, terror bombs will not end. Terror will never end if the government did not manage to uncover the user who these terrorists and not chop the roots of terrorism.

Wawan parse, terrorism is difficult to remove traces of the existence of ideological groups in Indonesia. Ideological groups such as Darul Islam (DI) has existed since independence was proclaimed. “At that time they were repeatedly undermine the security of the country with the goal of an Islamic state is formed and Islamic law implemented in the Homeland,” said Wawan.

This idelologis movement can be broken when the government of Sukarno and Suharto. During Suharto, IN organizations continue to be monitored closely and splinter movements. A number of characters involved continuously monitored. This space restrictions make members DI and network helpless. They then chose to move to neighboring countries, such as Malaysia, the Philippines, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

Radical Islamic groups from Indonesia were subsequently received military training in the Philippines, Afghanistan and Pakistan. In addition to their military-style training also involved a lot of wars in Afghanistan and in Mindanao.

Well, when the reforms took place in Indonesia, many of the radical groups from Indonesia to return to their homeland. The former Mujaheddin fighters are then regrouped and formed an organization they named Jemaah Islamiah (JI).

Important figures, among other organizations, Hambali, Umar Al Faruq, Azhari, Noordin M Top, Encep Nurjaman, Ali Imron, Imam Samudra, and Muchlas

Armed with the knowledge and experience gained in Afghanistan and Mindanao, they then attempt to impose their ideology in Indonesia. Each member of the spread in several regions in Indonesia and Malaysia, then form a network by recruiting new members.

Their movement patterns after returning from Afghanistan and Mindanao has changed compared to the movement of DI / TII. They do not move openly, for example by doing battle openly with the apparatus.

“Their movement since 2000 switched to underground acts and terrorist bombings. This pattern they can while they are in the Middle East,” said wawan.

Added Wawan, acts of terror it apart to show their existence, as well as to mobilize the followers of the radical-minded Muslims and the layman. That’s why they make people outside of Islam and western interests as a target.

However, according to Wawan observations, actions committed by terrorists is now shifted his target. They are not only targeting foreigners or western state interests in Indonesia. Now they are targeting government property, including the president of Indonesia.

“The information that I can since 3 years ago. So the Police statement said SBY home will be the target that could be true. Because terrorists regard the US government has become a stooge,” said Wawan.

dr azhariindonesianurdin m toppurwantoterrorismwawan
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