Transfer of KPK Employee Status to Increase Professionalism

By: Aldia Putra) *

The transfer of employee status of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) shortly so Aparatu r Civil State (ASN) into the news scene, fearing the effort ‘paralyze’ the Commission. Even though the government has guaranteed that this change will not make the KPK less angry, because they can still work objectively. In fact, when all employees become ASN, professionalism will increase.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is an institution that was founded in 2003. The birth of the KPK was formed from the passion to eradicate corruption, collusion and nepotism that had been prevalent since the New Order era. So it is hoped that in the next presidents’ administrations, there will be no loopholes for corruptors in this country.

After being established for nearly 20 years, there has been a change in the status of KPK employees. They will be transferred to become civil servants and the plan is to be appointed on June 1, 2021. More than 1,000 KPK workers will become civil servants and they are certainly happy because they will get pension money when they retire.

However, this change in status became gossip in the community, because there was a national insight test as a selection, and 75 KPK employees did not meet the requirements. Even though they were not automatically expelled, even President Jokowi advised them not to be fired. In this sense, those who do not qualify are never forced to stop working or have to apply for early retirement.

President Jokowi advised that the KPK must have the best human resources and be highly committed. Therefore, changing the status of KPK employees to ASN should be an effort to eradicate corruption more systematically. In that sense, if the KPK becomes a civil servant, it will enter into a tidier system and eventually its performance will increase drastically.

The President added that the national insight test was used as input to improve the KPK both individually and institutionally. If there are those who do not pass, it is necessary to make improvements through the service with national insight material. In a sense, this material will make KPK employees love their country more and increase their integrity.

When President Jokowi has guaranteed it, the public can be calm. Due to the issue that the national insight test will get rid of certain employees, is very wrong. If no one is fired or forced to retire early, then KPK employees will remain solid and compact in fighting corruption.

Increasing professionalism is needed so that the KPK is refreshed and becomes an institution that is more vigorous in eradicating corruption. Because life needs dynamics, right? It is hoped that this change will make the KPK even more efficient in its performance and not hesitate to investigate every corruption case, both big and small.

If all KPK employees are made state civil servants, it does not mean that they have to be ABS alias ‘as long as you are happy’ as in the New Order era. The reason is because the government allows every KPK employee to be critical as usual and not to be shy in eradicating corruption, collusion and nepotism. Even when KKN is carried out in government institutions, they are still allowed to uncover the case.

President Jokowi’s administration strives for all aspects of life to run smoothly, without corruption. Because gnawing by the rats in the tie will make the country leak from within and destroy it slowly. There is no mercy for corruptors or those who commit collusion and nepotism, because honesty is number one.

When KPK employees are transferred to the status of the state civil apparatus, they will be more systematic in their work. They will also get pension money and get a lot of maximum facilities. This change will not lull them, but instead make the KPK more professional in sniffing out every corruption case.

) * The author is a contributor to the Pertiwi Insitute

#Transfer of KPK Employee Status to Increase Professionalism
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