Vision of Economic Independence, Jokowi are Pro-Economy

Vision of Economic Independence, Jokowi are Pro-Economy

By: Hasan Zebua) *

The Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Young Entrepreneurs Network Board of Trustees, Mukhaer Pakkana, admitted that economic issues were indeed quite sensitive when compared to political affairs. However, until now the community still believes in Joko Widodo. Mukhaer considered the Joko Widodo government from the start to encourage the emergence of popular economy.

            “Jokowi’s economic vision is economic independence that is the welfare of the people. There are a number of strategic sectors that are the focus of attention, namely welfare food sovereignty, national interest-based energy sovereignty, restoration of Indonesia’s maritime economy, strengthening technological innovation, “Tukas Mukhaer.

            In addition, according to him, the high level of satisfaction in the economic field is a sign that the government has done something that is felt by the community.

            “The government has made every effort so that the Indonesian economy remains strong and survives amid the global onslaught,” he said.

            In the event hundreds of Muhammadiyah Young Entrepreneurs Networks declared supporting JokowI – Ma’ruf Amin and providing assistance worth Rp 1 billion in campaigning for the Melati Business Outlet program, 1000 startups, 1000 BLK AND Micro Islamic Boarding Schools.

            For four years leading the NKRI, President Joko Widodo was considered to have succeeded in changing the pattern of economic growth to become more qualified. It also received an application from the spokesperson for the Indonesian Solidarity Partition (PSI), Dedek Prayudi, who said that Indonesia was on the right development path.

            “I quote the statement of an economic theory used by the World Economic Forum, that quality economic growth is inclusive economic growth. The benefits are spread evenly, “he said.

            Thanks to the pro-people programs, such as Social Assistance, PKH, Healthy Indonesia Card, Smart Indonesia Card, People’s Business Credit and Poor Student Aid, the poor people feel the sweet fruit of development. Nutrition and education for children, business capital, and health services.

            “The program for – land certificates of 5 million hectares has also been proven to destroy the dominance of land ownership by certain classes, and given to small people. “This is a sweet fruit of the president’s political commitment to social justice for all Indonesian people,” he explained.

            Of course it is not surprising that BPS noted that economic inequality during the previous ten years of the leadership era had sharply increased, now declining. The World Bank also notes that the growth of the middle class is the fastest growing population group, due to poor and vulnerable people who continue to “go up the class”.

            In his 73rd National Anniversary speech, Jokowi said that Indonesia’s economy continued to grow at around 5 percent per year amid uncertainty in the ongoing world economy. Inflation can also be controlled, which is around 3.5 percent. In fact, in June 2018, the government succeeded in reducing inflation by 0.59 percent. This figure is the lowest compared to inflation during national religious holidays for the past 7 years. This is an extraordinary achievement to maintain people’s purchasing power.

            Good economic growth and inflation will certainly be good for improving people’s welfare. Nevertheless, the government continues to provide welfare guarantees for the community, namely with social assistance programs. In addition, President Jokowi has also succeeded in increasing the Ease of Doing Business / EODB each year. In 2017, Indonesia’s ease of business ranking was in the 91st position. While in 2015 and 2016, Indonesia was in level 114 and 109 respectively.

            In addition, in the era of President Jokowi’s leadership, it was marked by the increasing investment climate in Indonesia. This is evidenced by the increasing value of incoming investment and Indonesia’s ranking as the world’s investment destination. This is evidenced by its achievements so that UNCTAD PBB ranked the 4th country in the world as the world’s main investment destination (2016 – 2018). This position rose 4 ranks from the previous year in the 2014-2016 period.

            This positive achievement certainly marks the results of President Jokowi’s hard work in the country’s economy. This progress is as long as continued so that the sweet fruit of the success of the economic sector can be enjoyed by the people of Indonesia. Do not let something that has advanced, must be stagnant or back down because of errors in leadership.

) * The author is an observer of economic problems

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