Warm Response from the Community for the Fall in Non-Subsidized Fuel Prices

Warm Response from the Community for the Fall in Non-Subsidized Fuel Prices

By: Rika Prasetya) *

Indonesian people should be happy because at the beginning of 2019, Pertamina made price adjustments to non-subsidized fuel oil (Pertalite, Pertamax, Dexlite and Pertamina Dex)

The non-subsidized fuel drops from Rp. 100 to Rp. 250 per liter. The price adjustment is in line with the decline in the average price of world crude oil and the strengthening of the exchange rate of the Rupiah against the US Dollar.

The fall in prices is valid from 5 January 2019 at 00.00 local time. The fuel price that has been adjusted, among others, Pertalite fell Rp 150 / liter, Pertamax fell Rp 200 / liter, dexlite fell Rp 200 / liter and Pertamina Dex fell Rp 100 / liter.

Djoko Siswanto as Director General of Oil and Gas (oil and gas) said that his party had called a number of business entities to discuss the declining world crude oil prices.

Some of these business entities agreed and committed to reduce non-subsidized fuel oil prices, one of which was pertamax.

New prices that apply in several regions may vary, this is influenced by differences in the amount of motor vehicle fuel tax (PBBKB) in each region.

The community also welcomed the decline in non-subsidized fuel prices, the community felt that the government had paid attention to the people’s economy, because if the price of non-subsidized fuel fell, this would coincide with other price reductions such as transportation tariffs and prices of basic commodities.

Several gas stations in the Biak, Jember, Pekanbaru and other regions have begun to queue to refuel until the stock runs out faster than usual. Which means, consumers are very enthusiastic about the government’s policy.

Government policy to reduce non-subsidized fuel prices is certainly grateful because it reduces the cost of buying fuel for vehicles. With the decrease in non-subsidized fuel prices, it can have an impact on the decline in prices of basic goods in the market, so that people get the right price to fulfill their basic needs.

On the other hand, with a policy of reducing non-subsidized fuel prices, it will reduce the cost of people’s needs in buying fuel for private vehicles.

Nevertheless, Pertamina Persero will continue to regularly evaluate fuel prices in accordance with the dynamics of crude oil prices and the rupiah exchange rate in the global market.

The West Texas Intermediate (WTI) type of oil which is the reference in the United States has weakened since the beginning of November 2018. This trend is the longest daily weakening rally in history that left a psychological level of USD60 per barrel.

WTI crude oil was corrected by 27.12 percent from the highest level in the past 4 years, which was 74.41 US dollars per barrel on October 3, 2018. This is the lowest since November 2017. Whereas Brent oil is a reference in Europe also almost touched the psychological point of 65 US dollars per barrel.

Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), world oil prices in early 2019, the price of Brent oil fell by 1% to 53.18 dollars per barrel. Earlier in December 2018, world crude oil prices were still 54.01 US dollars per barrel.

From the decline in world oil prices that continue to occur from mid-year to the end of 2018, some companies have reduced oil prices to consumers.

For example, ExxonMobil has reduced RON 92 fuel prices from Rp. 11,100 to Rp. 9800 per liter.

The decline in fuel prices is certainly the ideal of the broader Indonesian community, especially among the people at the middle and lower economic levels. The government proved successful in carving out a strategic policy to care for the people at the beginning of this year.

Therefore, the success of the government should be appreciated, because the government has succeeded in answering the anxiety of the Indonesian people, with the decline in non-subsidized fuel prices, hopefully the Indonesian people can optimize this policy and can provide positive energy to the government.

The fall in fuel prices also received appreciation from the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives Bambang Soesatyo, he appreciated the government’s move to reduce fuel prices in February 2019. He also did not worry too much about the perceived decline in fuel prices which were considered loaded with political content. For Bambang, the most important thing is the benefits that can be felt by the community.

He also added that there was a survey that showed that the four years of Jokowi’s administration had indeed gone well, in terms of service to the community to the level of economic achievement.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has implemented a new formula for the retail sale price of fuel oil. As a result, a number of business entities made price adjustments that made premiums drop.

PT Pertamina’s Managing Director Nicke stressed that the decline in a number of fuel prices did not burden Pertamina’s finances. The fall in fuel prices is intended to make people love Pertamina.

The government and Pertamina continue to be committed to providing the best service to all communities in the Indonesian Territory so that all communities can enjoy energy fairly and become capital to build Indonesia

The decline in fuel prices is one indicator that what was done by the Jokowi government reaped success in building the national economy. In addition to the price of fuel in Papua, one price is now.

This momentum certainly must be a trigger for the optimism of the Indonesian people, to become a strong nation mainly in terms of the economy.

) * The author is a Contributor to the Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

communityNon-Subsidized FuelPricesResponseWarm
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