What’s With Election Fraud Issues

By: Aril Ilham) *

Before the H Day of Simultaneous Election was held, the issue of fraud had blown in various media, where at that time the tension in both sides 01 and 02 was increasing.

The hottest case that had risen on the surface was the case of an incident in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, where in one of the shop houses had been found dozens of plastic bags containing sound cards that had been punched.

The wild voting seemed to be an underground operation that aims to boost votes for certain candidates and candidates. The reason was that the guideline was aimed at the target number 01 candidate and Nasdem Party candidate who incidentally was the son of the Indonesian Ambassador in Malaysia.

However, after being investigated, it turned out that the voters were fanatical supporters of the 02 camp, where it was carried out as an effort to massive and systematic delegation of the KPU.

All the commotion and chaos that occurred in each of the camps was a reflection that each of the camps had believed that the chances of winning were already high. So there is not the slightest space left to anticipate the possibility of accepting defeat.

So that various alibis are created so that anyone who comes out as a winner, strong reason to be sued, even if necessary they urge the KPU to disqualify certain candidates.

What you need to watch out for is the possibility of large-scale mass mobilization to take to the streets to protest. Even more important is the design of movements that intentionally direct the angry crowd towards the riots.

Not to mention riding by parties that have a greater (global) interest. They certainly want Indonesia to be divided and destroyed. As happened in a number of countries in the Middle East Region.

It is appropriate for political elites and election participants to declare that they are ready to win and be ready to lose, on the basis of accepting defeat with high sportsmanship, and winning without degrading the opponent’s degree.

Bawaslu also said that it had not found indications of structured, systematic and massive election fraud in the field.

Abham’s Head of Election Supervisory Body said that he had not found any reports of alleged election fraud. He said that at present there were indeed findings of violations, especially in the stages of vote recapitulation. He said the process of vote recapitulation at the kecamatan level had been violated several times.

However, Bawaslu through the Election Supervisory Officer (Panwaslu), managed to find the violation and always recommended a recount to the District Voting Committee (PPK).

Therefore, in order to avoid cheating, the KPU often postponed the vote counting process at the sub-district level because the PPK had to repeat the vote recapitulation process.

 “There have been several violations that have been followed up. Try to see colleagues at the recapitulation level of the sub-district until we recommend recalculating, “Abhan said.

 “The recount does not only look at C1 plano, but until you open the counting box for the ballot. When the recapitulation in the sub-district was rather long because of that We want to uphold election justice. The number of cases is hundreds, “he continued.

During this time, allegations of fraud were considered to only harm pair number 02 Prabowo – Sandiaga. But this was ignored by political observer Hendri Satrip who said that the alleged fraud after the election was not only detrimental to one candidate, but both.

He said, whoever is harmed by alleged fraud, the issue has become a source of turmoil in the community.

In this case, of course, the government needs to be aware of also the existence of a movement that utilizes dissatisfaction with the results of the 2019 Presidential Election.

The dark trisakti events that occurred in 1998 certainly became a lesson so that similar riots did not happen again.

So that no person exploits this situation in the same way as in the trisakti event. Because after all the problems must be solved by means of knights, not in ways that are not good.

The presidential chief of staff Moeldoko said that we need to be vigilant as well as there will be an effort, a movement that wants to take advantage of the situation or the feeling of dissatisfaction is turned into a movement.

He also added that we should not justify a problem that has not been resolved. “Even if there is fraud – fraud committed or unintentionally carried out by the KPU, because with all its limitations, just resolve it in constitutional ways.”

However, the movement that arises from the issue of electoral fraud must be stopped. Because the government has provided a constitutional path to settling election fraud cases.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

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