By: Rashka Pratama

National Movement for Guarding Ulema Fatwa claims that it has obtained permission to hold a 212 reunion event on 2 December 2019 at the National Monument, Central Jakarta. Unresponsive, they claimed that besides the police, permission from DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan had also been obtained. This was clearly revealed by the Secretary General of the Ulama Fatwa National Movement Guards Edy Mulyadi to the media during a press conference at the National Police Headquarters.

The reunion was held as a form of routine warning which was carried out as a form of maintaining momentum. In this case, it refers to the consolidation of a number of Islamic mass organizations that have succeeded in gathering millions of citizens in 212 actions since 2016. In fact, this 212-year reunion was reported to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad by holding a prayer together.

This 212-year grand reunion was held for the third time, where initially 212 was a demonstration on November 4 and December 2, 2016 to protest and prosecute the then Governor of DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok was jailed for a case of blasphemy. Ahok was considered to be insulting Islam when quoting Al Maidah verse 51 during a visit to Pramuka Island, Thousand Islands in September 2016. During the visit, Ahok appealed to the public not to be deceived by those who used the verse. Since then, 212 reunions have been held routinely every year, even though Ahok has served a prison sentence after being convicted by a court.

With the instruction from Habib Rizieq to whiten Jakarta, or in other words reduce the mass in large numbers, then some parties would have suspected that this action could disrupt the smooth flow of traffic around the National Monument, Jakarta. This can still be tolerated, but it is hoped that the action will not cause further disturbance. Especially if the action is ridden with certain contents which can then cause damage and disturb the activities of the surrounding community.

JakartaReunion 212WHITEN
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