WHO Supports Handling Covid-19 in Indonesia

WHO Supports Handling Covid-19 in Indonesia

By: Putu Raditya )*

The handling of corona in Indonesia has been maximized and the government’s preparedness in its efforts to combat the covid-19 virus has been praised by WHO. This international health organization considers the methods the government has used are appropriate. WHO also offers further cooperation to address health problems during a pandemic.

In times of pandemic, we are used to implementing health protocols. Masks are also mandatory items to wear when leaving the house. when everyone follows health protocols orderly, then they should be commended for following the rules of the government. This also shows the government’s concern so that all its people are safe from the threat of corona.

When the Indonesian government struggled to fight the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was appreciation from WHO (World Health Organization). The international organization under the United Nations praised the President’s swift actions in dealing with corona. WHO Director, Tedros Adhanom, expressed his appreciation over the phone and announced it on his personal Twitter account.

In his tweet, Tedros stated that the Indonesian government had prepared a good health system. Therefore, he praised Jokowi as the President of Indonesia who was brilliant in handling corona. This WHO appreciation is a breath of fresh air during a pandemic that seems gloomy, because it proves that the government’s steps are never wrong.

Tedros also stated that WHO was also ready to support the government in its efforts to deal with the spread of corona. The offer from this organization is very valuable, because they have proven to be concerned about Indonesia. It also proves that the handling of corona in Indonesia is good, even though it is still bullied by a small number of people.

On the other hand, Australia provided assistance amounting to 6.2 million dollars to WHO. But that big money is devoted to helping Indonesia to be able to deal with the spread of the covid-19 virus. This assistance from Australia strengthens friendship between two nations. With that money, the handling of corona in Indonesia will be even better.

Appreciation from WHO and assistance from Australia proves that the government has made great efforts in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the pandemic period was announced in March 2020, everyone must stay at home and when the new habit adaptation phase begins, everyone is obliged to comply with health protocols.

Health protocols are always socialized, even after 6 months from the start of the pandemic. Repeating the announcement of this protocol is carried out so that more people obey the rules and always remember to wear masks, wash their hands or wear hand sanitizers, and keep their distance. This protocol is shortened to 3M so that it is easy to memorize and do.

In socializing the 3M movement, public service advertisements are shown on television. The 3M program was made into a song called “remember your message” and was performed by the music group Padi. The hope is that everyone from parents to children will memorize the song and always remember to comply with health protocols.

In addition to disseminating health protocols, the government made other rules such as having to do rapid tests before boarding planes and trains to prevent the corona from spreading further. The central government also allows local governments to impose sanctions or fines for people who do not wear masks.

All these government efforts are not atrocities but need to be considered as a form of concern. Because the government doesn’t want all of its people to get corona. People are asked to be orderly and obedient, because these rules were made for their own safety. If everyone is disciplined, corona can really leave Indonesia.

WHO’s appreciation for the Indonesian government is a gift in the midst of a pandemic. They even offered to help. The WHO director’s praise proves that the government’s steps in dealing with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are correct. As good citizens, we are obliged to obey government regulations and implement health protocols.

)* The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press and Student Circle

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