Why Do Fear The Al-Qur’an Reading Test?

Why Do Fear The Al-Qur’an Reading Test?

By: Ridho Afrianta *

The Aceh Regional Association proposed some time ago, in addition to the debate between the Candidates for President and Vice President, there is a need for a Qur’anic reading test for the two pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates. The Aceh Da’i Association stated that it was ready to facilitate the implementation of the test, and had even determined the location of the test, which was held at the Banda Aceh Baiturrahman Mosque. But quickly with strict language, the Paslon No. 2 camp rejected the proposal on the pretext that it was not included in the criteria determined by the General Election Commission (KPU). This is very ironic because Paslon no. 2 used to say the idea that one of the debating sessions must be in English, but in the end the proposal was withdrawn.

That the proposal is not included in the KPU’s provisions is clear, but there is an adage “if it is not prohibited it is permissible”, so that the proposed Al-Qur’an reading test also clearly does not violate KPU provisions. Some figures stated that the Qur’anic reading test was sunnah, if several times one of the Paslon claimed to have the support of the ulamas, of course the supporting scholars would also speak out in favor of the proposal of the Aceh Da’i Association.

The next question is, where did the scholars who have been “berijtima” support the Paslon? Isn’t it very good if the champion is fluent in reading the Koran? Moreover, some ustadz have said that this competition is sunnah, it would be nice if it was done, but the fact on Paslon field number 02 refused. People want to know where the Paslon Islamic level is. Of course many can be used as benchmarks for someone who is truly Muslim or not. But one of them is fluent reading the Qur’an. Actually the feasibility of a leader is not fully assessed from the ability to read the Koran, but that ability is an important side.

In mid-January 2019, the Chairperson of the Aceh Association, TGK Masyuddin Ishak, visited Prabowo Subianto’s residence on Jalan Kertanegara, Jakarta, asking about the certainty of the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 02 taking the Al-Quran reading test in Aceh. He said his side had sent an official letter to Prabowo – Sandi to take the test but until now there had been no official answer. According to him, the urgency of reading the Koran is because identity politics are currently being played out and the severity of each party claims to be the most Islamic and the other party.

If the president is chosen by the cleric, he must fulfill the conditions determined by the book, Shari’a, and scholars. If he is chosen by a cleric, why is he afraid to be invited to take the Quran reading test?

* The author is PTS Student in Surabaya

Al-Qur'anAl-Qur'an Reading TestFearKPUTest
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