Win-Win-Solution to solve Ministers Conflict

Ministers Conflict about Masela Block
Ministers Conflict about Masela Block

By: Achmad Irfandi *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – Differences in opinion between ministers in the Kabinet Kerja back sticking out. The debate took place between the Minister of Maritime Coordinator, Rizal Ramli and the Minister of Mineral Resources, Sudirman about Masela related to the development plan. Both are considered not agree in terms of the development of the Masela block will be done offshore and onshore.

In connection with the conflict, Presidential Special Staff Communication, Johan Budi said President Jokowi has always accommodate differences of opinion, including in the cabinet led Jokowi. President basically outlines not to bring the debate that must be for consumption in the meeting room into the public domain. The President wants these differences have a single goal and the same vision as president. Johan recognize noise that occurs in the cabinet is not the first time this has happened.

Deputy Speaker of the House, Fahri Hamzah participate in commenting about President Jokowi, who was angry at the minister noisier. According to Fahri, Jokowi should resolve the internal issue of government and does not need to be disclosed to the public. Fahri said the president should not complain of internal problems in the public and not to burden the people with the problems officials. Because the people are tired of hearing complaints about the officials.

Meanwhile, expert in Constitutional Law, Margarito Kamis, said resolution of conflicts among members of the Cabinet Task Force were adequately resolved by the appeal of the President. President Jokowi need to give seriousness to deal with conflicts between members of the Cabinet Working with being assertive and replace ministers who continue to create conflict.

Dissent in the discussion of an issue is fair happen. However, these disagreements should be discussed within the scope of internal Cabinet Works. If the conflict is sticking to the public, it will be many people who commented and certainly aggravate the situation by creating public opinion tend to negatively related coordination among ministers in the Cabinet Works. Conflict of minister come to our attention as a people of Indonesia, of our expectations to find the best solution in the form of a win-win-solution that embodies all the aspirations and opinions related problems being widened attention. As well as the necessary awareness of the ministers that they are very strategic position, the opinions of their public attention, it is necessary to filter the consciousness and thinking of their opinions regarding an issue that is expected to be the result of a sharp analysis of the facts that occurred. [AI]

*) CIDISS Contributor

Conflict of Differences opinionDifferences in opinionjokowiMasela BlockMinisters ConflictPresident Jokowi
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