Work Draft Bill Represents the Interest of Workers and Employers

By: Rahmat Siregar ) *

The government has initiated the Omnibus Law Cipta Keja Bill (RUU) to boost investment. The draft regulation is considered to represent the interests of workers to obtain welfare and employers in order to facilitate licensing.

The entry of the Omnibus law to the DPR table made a number of issues re-emerge. In fact, it was accompanied by news of demonstrations from several labor alliances stating their rejection of the Omnibus law. Polemic after polemic seems endless. Starting from hoaxes that corner the government with a variety of misleading narratives. Whereas in fact, this universal sweep bill is a breakthrough as a way to break all the complexities of existing rules.

There is no denying that the implementation is indeed not easy. The government throws out ideas, but the government is also blamed. Instead of choosing a consultation route through the provided container, the masses seemed comfortable with the action taking to the streets. Actions of this kind then become a trend and contagious. Not only in one area, demonstrations are usually held simultaneously. Kicked off the government which is considered incompetent to manage the country.

But uniquely there are some people who like to spread untold hoaxes. There is a hot issue, hastily struck and spread without checking the truth first. As a result, the real and virtual universe is full of news contents that cannot be accounted for. Too bad if the sophistication of technology is not accompanied by policies to manage information. Sensitive issues such as deliberately rolled out to get some attention. They assume that the government’s move is always wrong. Just like the discourse on the application of this work Omnibus law copyright scheme.

Previously, the masses of the Workers and Students combined unfurled banners when they held an action to reject the omnibus law of the Cipta Karya Bill in front of the RI Parliament Building, Jakarta, a few days ago. This incident occurred after the statement of the General Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Rosan Roeslani admitted that in the draft of the Cipta Karya Bill or Omnibus Law there was a reduction in the amount of severance pay that would later be obtained by workers and laborers.  

According to Rosan, there was indeed a revision regarding severance pay. Previously there were 34 times, only 28 times. However, there are other compensation that will be given. Responding to the community, Rosan stated that this should not be considered premature. He said if the interests of workers and employers have the same portion in the work copyright Bill.

Regarding the policy of decreasing the amount of workers severance, Rosan considered that this step had to be taken by the government to boost the domestic investment sector to be increasingly stretched. The reason is based on the data, Indonesia is among the highest countries in the world which provides quite high severance rates for workers.

He continued, in the Work Cipta Bill there were also set incentives that would later be received by workers with a contract system. According to him, workers can still get the same rights as permanent employees. Previously, contract workers did not get severance pay, but now it is certain to get it. Includes social security and safety guarantee.

Rosan added that the draft regulation had entered the parliamentary table, and the plan would be discussed immediately with members of the Indonesian Parliament after the recess period which ended on March 22, 2020.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, said that the Cipta Karya Bill was published because the company considered the severance pay in Law No. 13/2003 relating to Labor was too high.  

According to data compiled by the ministry team, the level of company compliance is still considered low in terms of giving severance to workers. This is caused by the high amount of severance pay. Or rather, companies cannot afford to pay because of the high severance pay.

Judging from the facts above, the government is preparing the fairest rules. like symbiosis of mutualism, between workers and the company must provide mutual benefits. Entrepreneurs are nothing without workers, and vice versa. However, it seems that public perception is only on the negative side without wanting to glance at the positive side. They were in a hurry to judge the government, only pro entrepreneurs. In fact, in fact both elements in the employment system are shaded as well as possible. If the ciptaker bill is able to survive and be implemented well, it will be able to encourage the improvement of the national economy due to a conducive investment climate. So, what do you think about it, want to continue to be prejudiced negative or start to be open minded and see the positive aspects that exist for the common good.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

#Work Draft Bill Represents the Interest of Workers and Employers
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