Yogyakarta Talk Show Start up Business

Talk shows start Up Business: The presenters delivered material in the Talk Show start up Business, conducted in the seminar room of science faculty UNY at second floor, on Saturday (28/11/2015).
Talk shows start Up Business: The presenters delivered material in the Talk Show start up Business, conducted in the seminar room of science faculty UNY at second floor, on Saturday (28/11/2015).

Choirul Fuadi, UNY, CIDISS – Family Graduate Students (Keluarga Mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana /KMP) Yogyakarta State University (UNY) is the graduate student organisation of UNY. Starting from the motto “it’s more than just a degree”, KMP UNY conduct Lively UNY’s masterpiece.

There are at least 5 activities in this activity are put in by each field in KMP UNY, including sharing dosen and mahasiswa by field of Media and Publicist, Kajian Kupas Special by the field of spirituality (Kerohanian), Talk Show Future Education by the field of Research and Development, Start Up Business Talk Show by the field of entrepreneurship, and lastly Kongkow cultures by PSDM field (human resources development).

In a series of activities masterpiece, the field of entrepreneurial conducted Talk shows Start Up business. By the theme, “break through the Entrepreneurship of the 21st century”, presents 3 speakers from successful entrepreneurs in Yogyakarta. The first presenter is owner of the Waroeng Steak and Shake, Jody Brotosuseno. The second presenter is CEO of MakanDiantar.com, Haryadi Putra. And the last presenter is lecturer of STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta and also Director Major of Global Information Technology Solution (GITS), Emha Taufiq Luthfi, ST, M.Kom.

The moderator is Bara Sauma Aduguna, S.Pd. The first presenter is waroeng steak and shake stated in the pioneering of efforts entrepreneurship that needs to be populists. Moreover, in the selection of business’s name must be unique and the present. “An important effort on a business is self confidence,” said entrepreneur who has had 81 branches of business.

In addition, be honest and be friend with competitor is one of the ways to improve the business.

Then continue the material from CEO MakanDiantar.com, Haryadi Putra. In his presentation, said that did the change. The concept of makandiantar.com is online kitchen. So the buyers can buy food online.

And the last speaker, lecturer of STIMIK Amikom Yogyakarta while Director of Global Information Technology Solution (GITS), Emha Taufiq luthfi, ST, M.Kom, stated that in business, the key is doing with the intention of full and sincere.

After a Talk Show session is followed by the presentation of business plan, presented by Abdillah Ranchman S.Pd, graduate student of UNY.

The Chairman of the Committee, Choirul Fuadi, S,Pd.I, in his speech stated that the purpose of this Talk Show is to motivate student entrepreneurship so that new entrepreneurs appeared later.

The activities running well and participants look enthusiastic as evidenced by the large number of questions that deliver to the presenters. (*)

21st centuryBusinessEconomyeducationEntrepreneurial
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