Adiwiyata School In Pulang Pisau

School of Pisang Island

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS- Adiwiyata school is a program that aims to embody the school’s caring and cultured environment based on the principle of educational, participatory and sustainable.

Adiwiyata school programs are very good because it teaches caring environment starting from school age. The application of the environmental program at the institution is usually more effective and right on target. Because the targets directly in students which is a want to-be intellectual property that will lead to a better future.

In addition, the Adiwiyata school program aims to embody the school’s caring and cultured environment based on the principle of educational, participatory and sustainable.

School program targets environmentally or Adiwiyata school in district of Pulang Pisau (Pulpis) is still relatively small. Based on data, there are five new schools in Pulpis which get the allocation of set up environment in the framework of the implementation of the programme of the school adiwiyata from the Ministry of forestry and the environment (Kemenhut and LH) by 2015.

“Our Target is still very small, there are five schools in this year which will make it as a pilot projret in the past,” said the head of the Environmental Agency (BLH) Wartony Pulpis, as quote in Borneonews, Monday (19/10/2015).

Wartony look forward to the future, the number of the target school to program Adiwiyata School in the District of Pulpis could be increased again. “the five targeted schools this year, that is, SMAN 1 Kahayan Hilir, SMP 4 Kahayan Hilir, SMKN 1 Kahayan Hilir, SMAN 1 Kahayan Tengah and SMAN 2 Kahayan Tengah,” Frank (*)

Adiwiyata SchoolPisang Island
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