AMN Kaderisation Candidate Leaders of the Nation with the Character of Pancasila

AMN Kaderisation Candidate Leaders of the Nation with the Character of Pancasila

The existence of the Student Hostel or AMN in Manado, North Sulawesi Province has the full support of the academicians. It was delivered directly by the Academic Professor of Sam Ratulangi University, William Pangemanan.

“Unsrat Manado fully supports the existence of AMN Manado, where the management of the hostel has been handed over to Unsrat manado” said William.

The plan, according to William, is for AMN residents to use compulsory curricula completed within two years or the equivalent of four semesters.

According to Sam Ratulangi University Academic Professor, AMN in Manado will not only provide accommodation facilities for students, but also provide a variety of training and training to its residents.

“In the process of managing the AMN Manado is planned to be built against the inhabitants” said William.

Earlier, the Special Staff of the Board of Directors of the Pancasila Ideological Building Agency (BPIP) Benny Susetyo spoke about the importance of the development of AMN.

A man familiar with Romo Benny said that AMN is not just a place of residence, but a place where character education and discipline are implanted.

“In the dormitory, students will learn to appreciate religious, cultural, and ethnic differences, which will ultimately enrich each other. It will produce future leaders who think globally but still act locally,” Romo Benny said.

Furthermore, he believes that students will learn a lot through the AMN program.

“At AMN, students can learn many things, such as rhetoric, organization, and building arguments and public opinion. So, AMN is not just a place of rest, but also a place for activity to enrich insights,” he said.

As is well known, the AMN program is a direct instruction of President Jokowi to build an interregional student gathering. It is stipulated in Presidential Regulation No. 106 Year 2021.

The Government is currently building an AMN facility in Manado. While AMN Surabaya, has been officially inaugurated directly by President Joko Widodo accompanied by the Head of the National Intelligence Agency of the General Police (P) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan, S.H., M.Si., Ph.D. on November 29, 2022.


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