AMN provides a learning environment conducive to the Golden Generation of Indonesia

AMN provides a learning environment conducive to the Golden Generation of Indonesia

By: Andrei Kaunang)*

The government, through the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), together with other institutions such as Kemendikbudristek to the PUPR, continues to accelerate the construction of the Nusantara Student’s Home (AMN) Manado located in the North Sulawesi Province. Like the Surabaya AMN program in East Java, the AMN in Manado is believed to be able to create a conducive learning environment capable of realizing the Indonesian Golden Generation.

During his second term in office, President Jokowi continued his efforts to improve the quality of Human Resources (HRM) as a major capital towards Indonesia’s Golden 2024 target. One of these efforts was achieved through the construction of the Nusantara Student’s Home (AMN) which is spread across several areas in Indonesia. In this respect, AMN is not only a residential facility for students from various regions of Indonesia, but also a conducive environment capable of creating a golden generation that is ready to compete in the global arena.

According to its purpose, the AMN has a central role in building the character of its inhabitants. In this regard, AMN strives to bring together students from all over Indonesia with a variety of backgrounds, such as religion, culture, belief, race, and ethnicity. Thus AMN becomes a place where the values of nationality, tolerance, and solidarity are deeply embedded. The cultural diversity that exists within AMN reflects the concise reality of Indonesia.

In accordance with the instructions of President Joko Widodo, AMN is planned to be built in several cities, such as Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Makassar, and Manado. For AMN Surabaya has been officialized President Joka Widodo while currently under construction of AMN Manado in North Sulawesi Province. The development of the AMN itself refers to the presidential regulation (Perpres) No. 106 of 2021.

In connection with this, the Director of the Strategic Prasarana of the Ministry of Public Works and People’s Housing (PUPR) Ir Essy Asia revealed that the construction of the AMN is ongoing. It explains that the Chief of the PUPR continues to encourage contractors to be able to complete the development of the Manado AMN in time, including performing weekly work checks,

The author judges the existence of AMN not only in terms of character building, AMN also serves as an environment that supports academic achievement. Because, there are a variety of facilities available, ranging from a study room, a library, to adequate internet access, designed to support student learning activities. A favourable atmosphere within the hostel allows students to focus on their studies, without the disturbances they often encounter when living outside the campus.

The role of AMN in shaping future leaders is also reflected in the various leadership training programmes organized. These programs are designed to equip students with the leadership skills needed in the face of global challenges.

AMN also plays an important role inining Indonesian integrity. Amidst the social and political dynamics that sometimes test the firmness of national unity, AMN becomes a space where the spirit of unity and unity is cultivated and nurtured. Students from different parts of Indonesia who live at AMN have the opportunity to get to know, understand, and appreciate each other’s differences.

It was also confirmed by the Special Staff of the Board of Directors of the Pancasila Ideological Building Agency (BPIP) Romo Benny Susetyo. He explains that the construction of AMN in Manado is ideal, because in the dormitory will be instilled education of character and discipline, as well as the formation of the spirit of nationalism. Thus, religious, cultural, and ethnic differences will enrich each other.

In addition, AMN Manado can be a candradimface crater for the young generations of the nation’s successors so that more and more houses must be built that are not only special, but also inclusive.

The author believes that the AMN can be a miniature of the Indonesian nation, in managing its integrity by mutual respect, collaboration, and commitment toining unity. The AMN is a concrete example of how differences can be united in harmony, producing positive energy that will drive Indonesia towards future success.

The generations formed in AMN are those who have integrity, broad insight, as well as relevant skills to face the challenges of the future. They are the agents of change that will lead Indonesia across all the obstacles to achieving the big goal in 2045. Through AMN, students are emptied to be tough, innovative, and solution-oriented individuals, who will ultimately lead the nation to an era of success.

In the context of the Indonesian journey towards Indonesia’s Golden 2045, the Nusantara Student’s Home has a very important role to play. Not just as a home for students, AMN is a character-building space, a centre for intellectual development, and an incubator for leadership. The conducive and inclusive environment at AMN enables students to realize their best potential, whileining the spirit of unity and unity.

Through AMN, we are not only preparing the next generation ready to compete in the global arena, but also building a strong foundation for a brighter future for Indonesia. With a strong commitment from all sides, AMN will continue to contribute to the golden generation that will realize Indonesia’s Golden Vision 2045.

)* The author is a student of Manado

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