War on Drugs
War on Drugs

By: Widuri Parmawatri)*

  Jakarta – CIDISS. Indonesia is now in the urgent situation concerning drugs uses and circulation. This evil substance has attacked not only people whose ages are old enough to consume it, but also school-age children, young generations of Indonesia. They unconsciously consume this dangerous substance as it is injected to snacks or sweets they can freely buy at the street vendors who peddle such food near schools. This phenomenon is likely to be easily detected by the authorities nowadays. Still, this modus occurs until recently and is not easy to be stopped since the substance containing drugs is injected to the food without damaging the packaging.

By injecting drug substance to children’s snacks or sweets, the drug dealers hope that this young generation prepared for becoming the next leaders of this great country will be drug addicts. In the future they will be hanging on consuming drugs and bring a lot of financial gains for the dealers. This action is totally intolerable for the government. There are efforts carried out by National Drugs Agency (BNN) to minimise drug uses and circulation. Some drug dealers were captured at places suspected to be ‘drug factories’. Then, some celebrities who are drug users were also taken captive because they are thought to be role models for young generations. When celebrities are imprisoned because of drug abuse, lay people will think twice to start using drugs. Besides giving punishments to those actively involve in the use of drugs and drug circulation, the agency also actively socialize the disadvantages of using drugs to school children and other young generations in various events.

As now the government has declared war with drugs, there are some visible actions taken. Apart from the captivities of drug dealers and celebrities who are drug users, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, as the holder of the highest authority has given no more clemency to the drug convicts who are sentenced to death penalty. The executions have actually taken place three times during the era of President Joko Widodo. This affirms the seriousness of the government in the fight against the spreading of drugs trade and uses.

)* Jakarta Contributor

drugsschool-age childrenthe next leadersyoung generations
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