Central Kalimantan Has Target to Increase Tourism Sector 10 Percent

Tourism sector: Tanjung Puting is one of the tourism sectors in Central Kalimantan. It is located
in Kotawaringin Barat, Central Kalimantan.st

By: Choirul Fuadi*)

Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – Department of Culture and Tourism Central Kalimantan on 2015, keep doing new way to increase the Tourist at Tourism sector in the Central Kalimantan.

Chief of department of Culture and Tourism Central Kalimantan, Yuel Tanggara said that Tourism in Central Kalimantan increase well. Then, next they have targeted to increase 7-10 percent. They will manage and organize the nature tourism object of Central Kalimantan. Especially the unknown tourism objects well.

“Central Kalimantan only known in international all this time, by Tanjung Puting in Kotawaringin Barat regency,” said Yuel like quote in Kalteng Pos, Wednesday (22/7/2015).

He continued that Tanjung Puting known in Internation because it has National Park and Oran
Utans. Moreover, Tanjung Puting has been in Calendar of National Tourism event.

“We hope, beside improve for Nature Tourism Park Bukit Tangkiling, Sei Gohong and Culture Tourism,” said Him. \

For the case, the department of Tourism and Culture do cooperation to all regency and city in Central Kalimantan like Palangka Raya, Pulang Pisau, Gunung Mas dan Katingan. Then, the improvement of Tourism in Central Kalimantan more is seen well.

He assumed, Central Kalimantan has much potency and development with special characteristic is much needed, then it will very help people economic in around tourism area.

*) The Author Is Kalimantan Regional Contributor


Central KalimantanTourism
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