Centre Government Obligate to Graduate Specialist Doctor Have Service In Region

Health service

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – The need of specialist doctor in region level and many doctors in the river, makes government issued regulation of presidential decree no 4 year 2017 about Obligation for Specialist Doctor, the regulation obligate entire graduation of specialist doctor to work and give health service in entire region of Indonesia.

Chief board of development and human resource empowerment health, The Ministry of Health, Usman Sumantri said the program is for graduated student who graduated after 12 January 2017.

“For someone who graduate before 12 January, the program is voluntary, not obligation. But, for someone who graduate after 12 January, it’s obligate,” said Usman.

Usman explain the aim of the program, it has aim for fulfill the need of health facility in entire region of Indonesia. He assumes, there many specialist doctor work in the city, such in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, South Sulawesi and Bali, rather than others region, moreover the health facility especially doctor is very less.

Usman added, the program is priority for doctors who have specialist on child, organ body, obstetrics and gynecology, surgical, anesthesia and therapy. He added, these are field of doctors who the most need in the entire region of Indonesia.

In the regulation mention about obligation time work for a year in a region for self funded student and 2 till 4 years for scholarship funded student. In the regulation also mention about sanction, the government will not issue the registration letter as specialist doctor if they refuse the program. It means, without any letter, they might not probably to open practice.

development and human resource empowerment healthhealth serviceregion levelSpecialist Doctor