Cultural Invasion Through Education Reorientation as An Effort to Prevent Global Radicalization

Education and nationalism

By: Widya Caterine P )*

 Jakarta – CIDISS. Education has an important role in all aspects of life. Educational development should be sustainable to support education sector means setting up a whole generation, and for there to be educated and educate must be the principle. Education can not be focused on one sector. All sectors that are part of the development program should receive continuous education. As stated in the state constitution that education is the right of all nations, indiscriminately from Sabang to Merauke must be educated and pursue good education.

The challenges of globalization are increasingly going up day by day require the present generation to be better educated than their predecessors. The generation that growing up today need a powerful filter that is not infected with the radicalization virus that increasingly pushed all over the world. The purpose of education nowadays needs to put forward an intelligent human who are expert physically, spiritually and mentally also have high emotional intelligence. However, what happened later is on the contrary, a lot of students involved in the brawl, criminal acts, theft, misuse of drugs, rape and so on. It is very miserable because the educators in this country was bragging out to build national character through character education and values in local wisdom. This proves that our education system is still geared in a very cognitive one , because only develop some limited aspects of human intelligence. The understanding that the intelligence is not merely academic, but an assortment of intelligence should be developed to create a rich and dynamic culture that need to be implemented in the education system in this country. And the application of it is not necessarily to be instant, but must go through a cultural invasion that diffuses slowly and injected into the area of education from primary to higher education level, so it can be absorbed optimally.

As expressions stated that make the smart people are not instant, as well as the child who is being naughty also not instantly happened. Hopefully, struggling amid the raised global radicalization issue, our country can be eager to combat that by improving existing educational concepts become more balanced among cognitive, affective-spiritual and psychomotor.

)* The author is Jakarta Contributor

Cultural InvasionEducation ReorientationEducational developmentPrevent Global Radicalization
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