By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – The arrest of Muhammad Farok residents of Madura (30) which is addressed at Pangeran Antasari Street Gang 10, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, by a combined team of Police in South Sulawesi and Resmob Police region of South Kalimantan on Jl Tarakan, District of Wajo, Makassar, Tuesday (1/3/2016) at around 10.30 pm wita, it make relief entire of people in Indonesia.
This is because Farok is a citizen of Madurese who killed Dayak youth, Eki (17) by the status as a student on February 20, 2016.
The case became hot issue in social media. Moreover then comes news of impending issues regarding disputes between ethnic.
The head of the Regional Police (Kapolda) province of South Kalimantan, Brigjen Pol Agung Budi Maryoto, said that this is a case of the stabbing incident criminality pure and no background of ethnic sentiment.
Kapolda Budi appealed to the public of South Kalimantan (Kalsel) do not mislead on issues to call ethnic dispute issue. In this is the case, is simply coincidence the perpetrator and the victim is a citizen of the Dayak and Madura.
As we know, in the earlier 2000s, ever ethnic dispute between Madurese and Dayak in Kalimantan land. So when the issue arose, a number of parties trying to find a way out in order to prevent the occurrence of the dispute.
The peace agreement between the Dayak Indigenous Council (DAD) and family ties to Madura (Ikama) has been deal to complete the stabbings through the law.
DAD figure on South Kalimantan, Dehen, reveal, it has also appealed to the citizens of Dayak to maintaining the situation remains safe. It also appealed to the community so stay calm and not be provoked.
Now the perpetrator has been capture and processed legally. Let’s continue to keep peace in Indonesia.