Product Job Creation Law Involve Community Participation Through Meaningful Participation

By: Devi Putri Anjani )*

The Job Creation Law (UU Ciptaker) is a legal product stipulated by the Indonesian Government during the era of President Jokowi’s leadership, which in the entire process of making it to its discussion, everything has involved maximum community participation, through the principle of meaningful participation.

With the issuance of the Ciptaker Law, the Director General of Spatial Planning of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (Ditjen ATR/BPN) has carried out socialization activities to the community which were attended by a number of elements.

One of the parties present at the activity, namely Expert Staff for Regulation, Law Enforcement and Economic Resilience of the Coordinating Ministry (Kemenko) for Economic Affairs, Elen Setiadi explained that with the establishment of the Ciptaker Law, the government continues to strive to be able to increase public participation.

The increase in community participation is also for the sake of upholding the principle of  meaningful participation , which has previously been instructed directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

It’s not just continuing to strive to be able to further increase community participation, but many studies have been carried out regarding this substance, mainly related to substances which later became objections from the people themselves, which have been carried out through material review by the Constitutional Court (MK).

At least, there have been as many as 19 material reviews regarding the Ciptaker Law that were brought before the Constitutional Court, in which several prominent issues continue to be discussed, such as the issue of employment. Then apart from this issue, there are still issues regarding business licensing and also related to how the  online single submission  (OSS) system works, issues regarding Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), halal certificates, spatial planning to forestry issues.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Directorate General of Spatial Planning, Farid Hidayat explained that the Ministry of ATR / BPN itself has an obligation to be able to continue to disseminate information regarding the Ciptaker Law, which in fact there has been absolutely no significant change regarding its substance. Actually, the changes were only made in a minor way, but the Government of Indonesia continued to provide broad outreach to the public.

In addition, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto revealed that within the framework of the entire process of discussing the Ciptaker Law itself between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), it is actually very important for the government to be able to get a lot of input from the whole community. in the Motherland.

Because, with so many inputs, it is also intended to be able to apply the principle of  meaningful participation , that is, given the right or opportunity for people in Indonesia to be able to have their opinions heard, including the right to have their input considered, as well as the right for the community to get an explanation or answers to the opinions they have given.

In fact, all of these rights have actually been and continue to be made efforts to fulfill them by the Government and the DPR RI. The efforts made by the Government itself are very good efforts, considering that this is a follow-up step to the previous Constitutional Court Decision regarding the existence of a formal review of the Ciptaker Law in 2021.

Thus, the Government itself has determined the existence of Law Number 13 of 2022 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislation. All of these arrangements already contain the omnibus law method in drafting laws and further clarify how the scope of meaningful participation will be in the entire process of forming legislation.

Regarding efforts to uphold the principle of meaningful participation, the Government itself has also formed a Task Force (Satgas) to Accelerate Socialization of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, where the Task Force consists of many parties such as related Ministries or Agencies, Regional Governments (Pemda) local communities as well as stakeholders, all of whom have also carried out various socialization processes and  focus group discussions  (FGD) in various regions in Indonesia.

Of course, hope is on the part of the Job Creation Law Task Force after it is formed, because they are the vanguard of the Government to be able to further increase understanding and raise awareness from the people of the country themselves, especially regarding how their arrests are related to the substance or content of changes to Law Number 11 2020 regarding Job Creation and being able to continue to capture the aspirations of the entire community.

 The government continues to strive for community participation through upholding the principle of  meaningful participation . Mainly related to the issuance of the Job Creation Law, which is a legal product that has absorbed all input and also constructive criticism from the people so that it is hoped that it will be able to answer all the problems experienced by society, especially for workers and laborers.

)* The author is a Media Ambassador Contributor

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