The transfer of the national capital is still according to plan

By: Bayu Erlangga )*

The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) stated that the relocation of the country’s capital would remain as planned despite the corona virus outbreak (Covid-19). Bappenas Principal Secretary Himawan Hariyoga Djojokusumo said, progress continues, on schedule.

He remains optimistic because the plan has been prepared carefully. At present the process is already in the stage of completing regulations namely the presidential decree (Kepres) and the Draft Law (RUU) of the National Capital.

Meanwhile, Director General of Cipta Karya Ministry of PUPR Danis H Sumadilaga said the preparation of the master plan involved other relevant agencies such as the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Ministry of Communication and Information.

Danis explained that this master plan will be the basis for the drafting of the National Capital Bill (IKN). The concept of the Master Plan will start from the point of the government’s central core region (KPIP) with an area of ​​5,000 hectares.

After the preparation of the master plan is complete, road infrastructure and natural resources will begin to be built in semester II-2020. At present, the Ministry of PUPR is preparing land sampling at several points for road construction.

Regarding the relocation of the National Capital to Kalimantan, Former British Prime Minister Toni Blair said he was happy because he gained the confidence to be one of the advisors to relocate the capital of Indonesia. According to him the idea of ​​moving the capital city is an extraordinary vision for Indonesia and will be an inspiration to the world.

Tony Blair explained, the New Capital City of Indonesia would not only be the center of the new capital’s government, it would be very interesting for people to come, live and work.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo had said that the transfer of the capital should have been done for the sake of creating equity and economic justice. Because the Territory of Indonesia is not only limited to Jakarta and Java, but Indonesia is the entire territory to the corners of the country from Sabang to Merauke.

Not only in Indonesia, the fact is the transfer of the capital is also carried out by several countries in the world including in ASEAN. Like Myanmar, which previously had its capital in Yangon and was later moved to Naypyidaw, which is located in the middle of Myanmar, the relocation of the capital allows the Myanmar Government to better control remote areas.

The process of moving the capital city of the country has carried out a lengthy study, including studies from the administrative side, the composition of the government, regional autonomy to the borders of the capital city later.

The removal of the National Capital is also seen as an effort to avoid conflict. Turro Wongkaren as a Lecturer in the Faculty of Economics and Business UI stated, in terms of demographics, East Kalimantan has a higher human growth index compared to South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan, even with other regions in Indonesia.

The new capital city in East Kalimantan will not only be designed as a symbol of identity, but a representation of the progress of the nation, by carrying out modern concepts, smart and green cities, using renewable new energy and not relying on fossil energy.

It can be said that the relocation of the nation’s capital will be an important entry point in the effort to equalize national development. Bringing the central government to the underdeveloped poor is a strategic step for the development of the region.

Moreover, the East Kalimantan region is also adjacent to Sulawesi, thus the economic movement is possible to be able to spread and spread evenly, so as to create what is indonesiasentris rather than jawasentris.

Urban Planning expert, Yayat Supriatna, said that moving the National Capital out of Java would have an extraordinary economic impact, namely increasing national economic growth by 0.1% to 0.2%.

He also stated that the removal of the National Capital could reduce regional disparities. The relocation of the capital outside Java can certainly encourage inter-regional trade, especially trade between Java and regions outside Java, and between regions outside Java.

The plan is that the construction of the new capital will begin, beginning with the construction of roads and water drainage in the middle of the next front. This development will first use the state budget.

The development of the National Capital in Kalimantan is an effort to build the nation in the long run, of course this requires mature concepts and performance, as well as support from various elements of society.

)* The author is a citizen, active as a contributor to the Jakarta Media Library

National CapitalplanTransfer
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