Through the 44th ASEAN AIPA Session Ready Towards a Green Transition

By: Satya Wibisono*)

Indonesia is hosting the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) on 5-11 August 2023. This forum is important because it encourages the acceleration of the green transition.

The opening of the 44th AIPA General Assembly was held by Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Monday (7/8), in Jakarta. The 44th AIPA General Assembly was held at the Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta and is part of a series of ASEAN Summits where in 2023 Indonesia will hold its chairmanship period. Meanwhile, AIPA itself is a parliamentary meeting so it is handled directly  by the DPR RI, and the leader of the Indonesian delegation is the chairman of the DPR RI Puan Maharani.

In AIPA 20223, the theme is “ ‘Responsive Parliaments for a Stable and Prosperous ASEAN’ or ‘Responsive Parliament for a Stable and Prosperous ASEAN’” . In the 44th general session of AIPA, the DPR RI reminded the importance of implementing the green economy concept, how the ASEAN region is ready for a green transition and its people receive support in an inclusive manner in improving a sustainable economy. 

Achieving sustainable development targets continues to be a top priority on the AIPA agenda as one of the efforts to address global climate problems through the implementation of a green economy to date. This effort is demonstrated through a commitment to encouraging optimal resource provision to accelerate a sustainable energy transition.

Indonesia’s commitment to supporting sustainable development is also demonstrated by increasing the target of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on National Determined Contributions (NDC) using its own capabilities by 29% to 31.89% and with international support by 41% to 43.20 %.

Promoting a green economy as a new source of sustainable economic growth in the future is imperative for global good. In addition, the ASEAN region must also focus on embracing every opportunity to achieve a fair and affordable transition.

This commitment must also be realized in various efforts ranging from strengthening private sector collaboration, encouraging innovative financing by establishing the Sovereign Wealth Fund, enacting the Job Creation Law while taking into account the environmental dimension, and contributing to the Just Energy Transition Partnership by launching a Comprehensive Investment Plan of USD20 billion.

The 44th AIPA General Assembly held in Jakarta became an impetus for Indonesia as the lungs of the world and ASEAN to demand that developed countries commit to climate change funding. As is well known, at the 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) of the UNFCCC in Denmark in 2009, developed countries committed to the collective goal of mobilizing $100 billion per year from 2020 for climate action for developing countries, namely climate change mitigation action and implementation transparency.

This welfare is obliged to implement the concept of green economy, how the ASEAN region is ready for a green transition, the ASEAN community also receives support in an inclusive manner in improving the economy. Most importantly, economic activities carried out must be sustainable or sustainable growth.

Through working together and collaborating, ASEAN is able to accelerate creating sustainable economic growth that reaches across the region. Therefore, the green economy must be guarded jointly by involving all ASEAN members. The DPR RI also encourages ASEAN to prepare Human Resources (HR) in order to support Green Jobs as one of the pillars of the green economy. 

Not only that, reflecting on the theme that was carried out at the 44th AIPA General Assembly in Jakarta, namely  responsive parliament for a stable and prosperous ASEAN , the concept is more towards green economy or green economy. At least, there are three key words in the 44th AIPA General Assembly. The first is responsiveness, the second is stability, and the third is well-being.

Through AIPA, Indonesia continues to exert influence on the parliaments of ASEAN countries to promote stability in the regional region by providing mutual strength and support to one another. As for the third keyword, namely welfare, he hopes that the 44th AIPA General Assembly will be able to encourage the realization of an economic increase in the ASEAN region and a transition towards a green economy.

Indonesia continues to promote and implement the green economy concept, how the ASEAN region is preparing for green transformation, and how the ASEAN community can obtain inclusive support in improving the economy. Most importantly, the economic activities carried out must be sustainable. The green economy needs to be maintained or protected, both within a country and within the ASEAN region, and of course all ASEAN member countries must jointly protect it.

As is known, AIPA was previously named the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organization (AIPO). The formation of AIPA was an Indonesian initiative in the early 1970s driven by progress made by Southeast Asia. At that time, the DPR RI conveyed the idea to form an organization consisting of the parliaments of ASEAN member countries which in the early 1970s still only consisted of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Indonesia’s idea received a positive response.

AIPA was born from the desire of the members of Parliament of ASEAN member countries in an effort to foster a common understanding in assisting and encouraging closer cooperation. Including to bridge the problem solving that occurred in ASEAN countries.

*) Lantera Research Institute researcher

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