Farmers of North Barito Followed Technical Guidance

Photo: Illustrations, a number of farmers in the village of Transbangdep sub-district of South Teweh perform optimization of the land by clearing local trees in farmland to face of the growing season.
Illustrations, a number of farmers in the village of Transbangdep sub-district of South Teweh perform optimization of the land by clearing local trees in farmland to face of the growing season.

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – Department of agriculture, fisheries and animal husbandry of North Borneo, Muara Teweh in favour of loyal revealed that it held technical guidance to 70 farmers P3A (Assembly of farmer water users).  The activities carried out on Sunday (15/11/2015)

The activity is appropriate government regulation Number 20 RI in 2006 about irrigation stated that the development and management of the irrigation system that was implemented by the provincial government or the Government of regency /city involving all the parties concerned with the interests and roles as well as the farming community.

The purpose, farmers are able to determine the management of its own, so the principles of participation, transparency and accountability are not neglected. In the management of irrigation networks, farmers are not working individually but in a farmers organisation that is assembly of farmer water users (P3A).

Chief of department of agriculture, fisheries and animal husbandry of North Borneo, Muara Teweh, Setia Budi, said with the technical guidance, role of water users who are members of P3A, expected in maintaining existing irrigation facilities. In order the paddy fields irrigated by a network of irrigation land function does not occur become non land rice fields.

In one study suggested that in the food crops of rice just grow and produce well in water at the right time, which means that the availability of water of 35 per cent as decisive rice crop production.

“The existence of sufficient irrigation water supply is not only expanding the opening of the rice field acreage but while increasing the intensity of cultivation from one time of the year into two times a year,” he said, as quote in Antara News Monday (16/11/2015).

AgricultureFarmers of North BaritoTechnical Guidance
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