By: Norman Triangga )*
Still remind us of the Chief of Police Circular Letter No. SE / 6 / X / 2015 on the Handling of Kebencianatau Hate Speech Speech ?? When the circular was issued, many parties are directly opposed on the grounds of freedom of expression had been violated. Many also feel that the democratic system has advanced rapidly since the fall of Soeharto have now been killed slowly with the issuance of the Circular Letter. Many also believe that the current government is afraid of criticism and deliberately reviving the bill ban insults against the Head of State were broken by the Constitutional Court with the Letter of the Hate Speech.
All of these assumptions is legitimate. But despite it all, the important points related Circular on Hate Speech with SARA issued so often resentment among ethnic and religious communities in this country. Heartbreaking events in Tolikara and Aceh Singkil is clear evidence of the effects of hate speech sadistic bertendensi SARA. Even after disebarnya The letter, SARA conflict triggered hatred speech occurred again. Combustion monastery and temple in Tanjung Balai, North Sumatra triggered by provocation actors in social media. Residents who provoked as a result of reading the speech was finally burning hatred against a number of monasteries and temple in Tanjung Balai.
During this time, the noise often occurs in the realm of social media, where people go around insulting and bullying someone. Of hate speech can encourage collective hatred, exclusion, discrimination, violence, and even at the most horrible, genocide, or genocide against groups of the target of hate speech. Therefore, the speech of hatred must be handled properly because it can undermine the principles of the nation and state of Indonesia and protect the diversity of the groups in this nation.
In terms of the idea of a circular speech of hatred should be appreciated. Because the state would like to present to regulate the traffic of freedom of opinion and expression, so as not to clash with the rights of others. In addition to the prohibited by legislation, of hate speech is also contrary to the civilization of this nation.
In essence, the government actually do not want to curb the freedom of society in terms of freedom of speech, but the government wants to minimize the emergence of problems containing elements of SARA are triggered by the presence of hate speech. The letter is dedicated into a technical guide for the police to prevent the social conflicts that could threaten the security of the state as a result of the speech effeminacy.
)* The author is CIDISS contributor