Health BPJS Dues Will Rise on April 2016

Dues BPJS Health will rise on April 1 2016
Dues BPJS Health will rise on April 1 2016

By: Choirul Fuadi

CIDISS – Dues BPJS Health will rise on April 1 2016, applies to independent workers or participants rather than wage (PBPU).  The decision of this tuition hikes contained in the presidential Regulation No. 19 Year 2016.

“For the dues category independent participants or not wage workers (PBPU) and the participants go to workers experiencing a rise,” said Ena Nursana Kabid Timer Regional VII 2 BPJS health in a news conference in Palangka Raya, Wednesday (16/3).

The detail for class III treatment Room is IDR 30 thousands per month from the previous IDR 25.500. As for class II treatment rooms is IDR 51 thousand per month from the previous IDR 42500 per month. While from a maintenance room class I, is IDR 80 thousand per month from the previous IDR 59500.

She explained for class III participants PBPU rising accordance with reported to the President.  There is a third option that is already prepared to allocate additional funds from the STATE BUDGET. This is a manifestation of the Government’s partiality to continue the sustainability of the program.

In addition, this new Regulation, there is the addition of a group of participants of the wage workers (PPU) and the adjustment of the rights of the class participants care PPU for leadership and members of PARLIAMENT. Dues for this group are set up amounting to 5 percent of salary or wages per month.

“Local governments liable as employer in paying dues health coverage for the regional head, Deputy, President and members of PARLIAMENT, CIVIL SERVANTS and Government employees’ non public servants of the region,” said Ena.

Tuition guarantee of health for PPU comprising civil servants, TNI, Polri, State officials, and members of PARLIAMENT and Government officials non civil servants amounted to 5 percent of salary is borne together. 3 percent paid by the employer and 2 percent is paid by participants.

For the proportion of dues for Private business entities PPU participants is still the constant as before, i.e. 4 percent paid by the employer and 1 percent by the participants. While it is for healthcare participants dues PBI health coverage as well as a population, that is registered by the local authorities of IDR 23 thousand per person per month.

BPJSDues BPJSHealthparticipants rather than wage (PBPU)
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