How Far is the Implementation of Jokowi’s Three Signature Social-Security Cards?

How Far is the Implementation of Jokowi’s Three Signature Social-Security Cards?

By : Maya *)


Indonesia Smart Card (KIP), Indonesia Health Card (KIS), and Prosperous Family Saving Card are flagship programs of the Indonesia President Joko Widodo that only sounds perfect at the beginning. Nowadays, those programs are never heard in the regions, including in the Maluku Province, whereas, the social-security cards are needed by people of Maluku, especially due to its geographical condition.
Head of the Bureau of Public Welfare (Welfare) at Secretariat of Maluku Province, Habiba Saimima through one of his staff admitted, until yesterday there has been no official information about the distribution of the three cards.

“I have to say to him (Bureau Chief), but he said there is no coordination here from Jakarta,” said the staff who did not want his name mentioned.
University of Pattimura’s Lecturer Latuconsina Jen, said the obstruction of the distribution of those three cards in Maluku, and should be considered as a serious concern by the local government. Local government, provincial and district/city should ‘pick up the ball’, pro-active in calling attention to the central government at Jakarta for following up this matter.
“Moreover, Maluku is classified in the five poorest provinces in Indonesia. Thus, the KIP program, KIS, and the KKS will be very helpful, especially the community and local government. So this program becomes a necessity, Maluku should be able to carry out,” he said.
Latuconsina assess the slow distribution of three cards is because the government has no maximum readiness. Supposedly, before information about the program is delivered to the public, the government should’ve made preparations, especially in arranging timing of the distribution for each region. Thus, there is no overlap distribution.
Rectorate of Christian University of Indonesia Maluku (UKIM), Nicholas Retraubun argued, this problem of three cards springs out because that three cards cannot be done simultaneously. But he believed, people of Maluku definitely get it and understand why it happens.
“It’s a national program. Indonesia has many areas. So could the government channel gradually. Because of this national program, the Moluccas certainly will also get it,” he said.
Therefore, he stated, take time for these three cards up in the hands of the people in this area. “Need time. This is not an easy job. We need preparation before distribution, not as easy as turning the palm of hand. If we are impatient, it will be too hard. The new government is newly formed,” he explained.
According to him, every completed distribution in one area, not directly proceed to other areas, because there must be a first evaluation of the process and results of distribution in areas that have earned the three cards.
Meanwhile, the residents of Batu Merah Village Ambon City, Mira Yati, deeply hope that the cards be distributed in rapid time. Therefore, with that card, he and his family can be helped in meeting the day-to-day life.
“Yes, as a small community, we hope, the government can distribute the cards to us, so that could help us, to make ends meet,” he hoped.

*) The Author Is Maluku Regional Contributor


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