Implementation of the AIS Summit in Bali Encourages Improvements in Marine Tourism

By : Galang Faizan Akbar )*

The implementation of the 2023 AIS Forum Summit in Bali continues to encourage various methods, steps and strategies to continue to make improvements to marine tourism in Indonesia, as the host of this international meeting.

The General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Indonesian Tourism Scholars Association (ICPI), Azril Azhari, views that the momentum of holding the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum Summit in 2023 really needs to be utilized by many parties, including the Government of the Republic of Indonesia ( RI) and also all other Regional Governments (Pemda) to further improve marine tourism so that it can be in line with the principles of sustainability.

One of them is that the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of the Special Capital Region (DKI) of Jakarta can focus more on the Thousand Islands. Of course, the world would be very happy if, for example, the Thousand Islands could be further raised to the surface and also improved. Therefore, the Seribu Islands development program itself clearly must continue to be carried out seriously.

In fact, DKI Jakarta itself already has capital for maritime tourism that can be favored, namely with the Thousand Islands. Moreover, the coastal areas of Jakarta also have a very rich history and culture, even from pre-colonial times.

It’s just a shame because so far it hasn’t been exposed or brought to the surface. Therefore, it is very important that the restructuring of marine tourism in the region must continue to be carried out from various aspects, including providing more adequate facilities, starting from improving dock facilities to providing adequate sea transportation for tourists such as sailing ships and boats. .

Furthermore, the development of marine tourism in the DKI Jakarta area must also continue to consider environmental impacts such as continuing to be able to maintain the sustainability of the marine ecosystem in the area, which can start from coastal life to life under the sea.

Not only that, but social and economic aspects are also very important to continue to consider. Because everything is in line with the concept of sustainable marine tourism which has been promoted by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

In order to develop sustainable marine tourism, it is also important to involve fishing communities and local communities around the coast and the Thousand Islands. Because in this way, the welfare of all people in the local area will also increase.

Meanwhile, Destructive Fishing Watch (DFW) also provided a response regarding Indonesia which will be the host for the 2023 Form AIS Summit. According to observer and DFW Coordinator, Mohammad Abdi Suhurfan, by holding this event, it is clear that the country will contribute as an initiator in handling various global issues, especially those related to maritime affairs.

Among several regions in Indonesia, it turns out that DKI Jakarta is an area that has the potential to develop and is able to support life for residents on the coast, of course with its marine tourism ownership. The marine tourism in question is in the Thousand Islands, where such tourism is now becoming an increasingly growing trend.

The potential for the development of marine tourism is based on the resources and natural riches that exist there, such as being home to hundreds of types of fish, including coral reefs, mangroves and protected endangered species.

The development of marine tourism will clearly be realized much more quickly if there is strong synergy between several parties, such as stakeholders and also the coastal communities themselves. Therefore, the government and the private sector also need to continue to encourage the community to become the main actors in realizing a blue economy in their respective regions, especially those that have marine wealth or potential, including in DKI Jakarta. So, in this way you will be able to receive many very large benefits and will also be able to reduce potential conflicts.

Furthermore, the community itself must also be able to continue to increase their capacity and awareness regarding sustainable tourism by increasingly protecting marine ecosystems from possible environmental damage and pollution. Another thing that is also necessary and important to do is to improve and ensure the availability of basic infrastructure in coastal areas, such as telecommunications facilities, clean water and electricity.

Improvements in marine tourism are still necessary and must continue to be carried out in Indonesia, especially because Indonesia is hosting the 2023 AIS Forum Summit activities. So it is very important for this nation to be a good representation and model for the world regarding how to manage marine wealth. which is appropriate for improving community welfare and can also embrace the concept of blue economy sustainability.

)* The author is from Persada Institute

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