Indonesian Employers Seek Tax Amnesty Program

(the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Lippo Group, James Riyadi visited Tax Office Jakarta (KPP) at Kebayoran Baru)
(the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Lippo Group, James Riyadi visited Tax Office Jakarta (KPP) at Kebayoran Baru)

By: Mohammad Irfandi )*

Tax Amnesty Program which is currently implied by the Government of Indonesia would be a sweet gift for Indonesian businesses which have not yet really understand and comply with tax rules. This policy is expected to attract funds owned by Indonesian citizens abroad to re-enter these funds in order to accelerate national development. This is certainly a positive wind for Indonesian entrepreneurs to maximize Tax Amnesty.

The occasion was also used by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Lippo Group, James Riyadi who previously had decided to participate in a tax amnesty program. He visited the Tax Office Jakarta (KPP) at Kebayoran Baru on Friday (02/09/2016). According to him, it was the tax office professional enough, fast, and friendly.

As is known so far, the public impression of the tax office is very diverse. Included there is still the impression of fear when it comes to the clerk and the tax office. Because already proved that the tax office has been professional, fast, and friendly, James appealed to people not to be afraid to come to the tax office.

Therefore, he decided to join the tax amnesty program and will declare and repatriate not only personally but also all the companies associated with it. He supports the desire of the government structural reform in the national economy is one of them through tax reform. To reform it, he says, the state should have a strong fiscal condition. For him, the tax amnesty program could be a way to increase the country’s fiscal strength.

Even so he was reluctant to mention the overall value tax included in the amnesty program. Because he considered it would inspire fear because other entrepreneurs should mention his wealth to the public.

Citing Forbes, Riyadi family now occupies the sixth position of the richest in Indonesia, with total assets reached 2.2 billion US dollars. Not only in Indonesia, Lippo also has a portfolio of business in other countries, such as Hong Kong, Singapore, as well as in the region of North America.

Observing the developments, the efforts made by the Master Lippo Group admirable, he decided to support the policy of the Government of Indonesia to restructure the national economy through improved tax. Surely this can be an example for other entrepreneurs to maximize the tax amnesty policy. Due to the success of the tax amnesty program is not only focused on the amount of funds raised, but rather the awareness of us as citizens of Indonesia to want to build our country together towards the advanced and prosperous countries.

)* Indonesia’s Political Economy Observer

(KPP)Indonesian EmployersTax Amnesty ProgramTax OfficeThe Lippo Group
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