Killing Orang Utan Case: State Minister for Forestry and the Environment Reported to President

Siti Nurbaya,  State Minister for Forestry and The Environment
Siti Nurbaya, State Minister for Forestry and The Environment

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – the founding of Orang Utan’s bone and some cases of hunting and killing of Orang Utan lately, has known by State Minister for Forestry and The Environment, and she reported directly to Presiden of Indonesian.

“Principle, President aware about this case. Yesterday, I discussed and reported directly to President. We will take legal action to this case,” said Siti Nurbaya, like quote in Borneo News, Friday (2/10/2015).

The case is happen in Tanjung Hanau village, seruyan, Central Kalimantan. The area is not dar form palm oil plantation in private big corporation and close to buffer zone of Tanjung Putting National Park.

“I am very sad to bad behavior of human to the orang utan. Because of it, I hear the case, I directly reported to President,” said her. (*)

Orang UtanSiti NurbayaState Minister for Forestry and The Environment
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