Kuswanto: IKN Brings Many Positive Benefits to Local Communities

Kuswanto: IKN Brings Many Positive Benefits to Local Communities

Balikpapan — The development of the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago has brought many positive benefits to the surrounding local community.

Acting Director of Controlling Governance and Development Licensing at OIKN, Kuswanto, said that his party continues to strive to upskill the skills of local residents in East Kalimantan.

This aims to ensure that in the development of IKN Nusantara, the community is able to feel the many positive impacts.

According to him, efforts to improve skills were carried out through various community empowerment programs carried out by various deputies.

“There are local community empowerment activities for hydroponic land and various kinds of community empowerment activities carried out through various deputies,” said Kuswanto.

Not only is it an effort to increase capacity, but the government is also emphasizing investors in IKN development to recruit local workers.

“Apart from that, there is also encouragement for investors and for several parties who invest to also recruit local workers,” said Kuswanto.

Meanwhile, regarding the positive impact of the development of IKN Nusantara, the Acting Director of Controlling Government Administration and Development Licensing at OIKN explained many things.

According to Kuswanto, now several areas around IKN have felt the positive impact of the development of the National Capital City.

“If we have felt the positive potential, Balikpapan now has very high hotel occupancy, then maybe Samarinda has also felt it,” he explained.

In other words, the development of IKN really has a lot of impacts, which in the short term can even be felt by society today.

Apart from increasing hotel occupancy, the local community in the East Kalimantan region has certainly been helped by the large number of job opportunities opening up.

“Not to mention the addition of the large number of workers at IKN, it has certainly helped the people at PPU,” said Kuswanto.

Meanwhile, for its own long-term impact, the government continues to strive for various areas around IKN to grow together.

“In the long term, we are working to ensure that the cities around IKN grow together,” he explained.

Therefore, synergy continues to be intensified with several partner regions such as Kutai Kartanegara, PPU, Samarinda and Balikpapan.

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