Compact Community Rejects KST Papua

By : Timothy Gobay )*

The Papuan Terrorist Separatist Group (KST) is a group of people who are not happy with progress and development in Papua. KST has left many traces of chaos that has made the people of Papua feel insecure. Rejection from the community also emerged because what KST did actually damaged the peace on Cenderawasih Earth.

Papua has become a region that is often the focus of the government in efforts to distribute development. However, the development that was attempted was actually often disturbed or terrorized by KST. As a result, the Papuan people also expressed their disapproval because what KST was doing was considered counterproductive.

Rejection of KST had occurred, such as the red and white parade of love for the motherland and statements from the people who rejected KST in Atapo Village, Mimika District, Mimika Regency with the theme “One Row for Indonesia”. The event was chaired by the Commander of Kodim 1710/Mimika Lt. Col. Inf Dedy Dwi Cahyadi.

The red and white march for the love of the country and the statement against KST were joined by leaders, village officials and the community from 7 villages in the West Mimika district, totaling approximately 400 people. In this activity, Lt. Col. Dedy invited the community to continue to join hands and unite to always maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Participants who took part in the parade used boats and wore a number of distinctive red and white attributes with the starting point at the Kokonao River and finishing at the Atapo Village Pier. The community seemed very enthusiastic in participating in these activities. 

The activity was closed with a statement from community representatives who rejected KST in the Mimika Regency area represented by Germanus Weyaru, as the Head of the Mimika Tribe in Kokonao. Germanus admitted that this was an event he had been waiting for, where since the beginning of the flag rose in 1945, the predecessors had never thought of changing the course of the country, so that his party as successors stood upright as citizens of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. His party also rejects separatist actions in Mimika Regency and fully supports development and security programs in Mimika Regency.

Previously, KST had claimed that its movement had the support of the Papuan people. However, Pastor Jupinus Wama denied this. According to Jupinus, it is a big mistake if KST is loved by the Papuan people, KST is actually rejected by the community. Because KST often does inhumane things such as burning public facilities and raping Papuan girls.

KST also did not get sympathy from the public, because they once forced residents to raise the Morning Star flag on December 1, which coincided with OPM’s birthday. The Papuan people rejected the invitation because they were still loyal to the Republic of Indonesia.

The community’s rejection of KST is not rejection without reason, because those who attack KST are not only officials and newcomers, but also indigenous Papuans. KST accuses the public of being spies for the security forces, so they need to be killed. In fact, what they kill are ordinary civilians who have no connection with the security forces.

KST has actually undermined security and peace in Papua, a series of terror incidents such as burning of public facilities and shootings have made the Papuan people have no sympathy for what KST is doing. It is only natural that the Papuan people will support the efforts of the security forces to arrest KST members. This is because the community is furious with various actions from KST.

KST did not stop voicing narratives to separate itself from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the group also justified any means such as rioting, setting fire to public facilities and carrying out attacks on security forces.

The Papuan people definitely want peace in Papua without the sound of bullets from KST’s weapons. Don’t let the beauty of Papua become a place where human lives can be threatened by bullets that shouldn’t injure and threaten the lives of innocent citizens.

The narrative of Papuan independence or the referendum inflamed by KST is just bluff without any concrete action. KST is a terror group that often makes threats with weapons. The existence of KST in Papua has no benefits at all for the Papua region.

The term terrorist for KST is very suitable because this group often uses violence in carrying out its actions. Their love for Papua is questionable, especially if the group blindly destroys public facilities. This is what actually hinders development and undermines peace in Papua. Even though the government has paid special attention to the people of Papua with various infrastructure developments and the provision of special autonomy funds that can be used to pay for the education costs of young Papuans who wish to continue their education.

It is very natural that the community rejects all existence and provocations made by KST. Because the actions they are taking are not in line with the principles of the Papuan people who are loyal to the red and white flag and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Gorontalo

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