Jakarta – Rehabilitation is the main step in solving drug addiction, besides law enforcement. This was conveyed by the former Head of the National Narcotics Agency Anang Iskandar some time ago.
The government continues to fight drug trafficking which is increasingly disturbing the community. One of the progressive steps that has proven effective is the implementation of an integrated and sustainable rehabilitation program, aimed at breaking the chain of drug trafficking by touching the root of the problem.
The Head of the National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BNN RI) for the 2012-2015 period, Anang Iskandar, said that rehabilitation is important as the main step in solving the drug problem. He also emphasized that drug dealers must be punished severely.
“Drug abusers need to be rehabilitated, while dealers must be punished severely, including by confiscating assets through reverse evidence,” said Anang.
Furthermore, Anang also said that the solution to breaking the drug trafficking network lies in reducing demand through rehabilitation of drug abusers.
“If demand decreases, then drug trafficking will stop. Rehabilitation is the key,” said Anang.
Meanwhile, the Director of Drug Investigation (Dirresnarkoba) of the East Java Regional Police, Senior Commissioner Robert Da Costa, said that his party is collaborating with the East Java Provincial BNN and rehabilitation institutions to cooperate in handling drug addicts optimally.
“This is in accordance with the provisions of the law that drug abusers are victims and must be rehabilitated,” said Robert.
The category of drug abusers in accordance with the Supreme Court Circular (SEMA) number 4 of 2010, drug evidence found during searches and law enforcement has evidence under SEMA with the provision that users are for users only and are not traded.
“If he is a user, we must rehabilitate him. If he is a dealer, we cannot. If he is a dealer, the evidence is small, he is still part of the network, we will process him,” he said.
This rehabilitation program not only focuses on the physical and mental recovery of drug users, but also seeks to change behavior and provide skills that can be used to support a better life without dependence on drugs.
“Goods found during searches and law enforcement, the person concerned keeps or has goods brought by the SEMA concerned, not traded,” said Robert.
The success of the rehabilitation program also has a direct impact on breaking the drug supply chain. Many users have successfully recovered, returned to society, and are involved in positive activities far from the dark world of drugs. They also become agents of change, inspiring others to dare to get out of addiction and stay away from the negative influence of drugs. (*)
Effective Rehabilitation Program Breaks Up Drug Dealer Networks