Government Committed to Eradicate Online Gambling to Protect Future of Young Generation

Government Committed to Eradicate Online Gambling to Protect Future of Young Generation

By: Aji Prasetya)*

The beginning of 2025 is an important momentum in the government’s efforts to eradicate online gambling which is a threat that damages the social and economic order of society. In the first six days of January, the Ministry of Communication and Digital (Kemkomdigi) succeeded in taking action against 43,063 content, accounts, and sites that were indicated to promote or facilitate online gambling. This success shows the real commitment of the government under the leadership of President Prabowo Subianto and Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka to protect the younger generation from the dangers of unhealthy digital spaces.

Until now, online gambling is still a serious threat to Indonesian society. This problem has a negative impact on the mental health and behavior of individuals, including blurring the ability to distinguish between wants and needs. In this condition, individuals often make risky decisions without thinking about the consequences, even to the point of involving themselves in criminal acts.

The effects of this addiction are similar to the negative effects caused by dependence on dangerous substances such as drugs. This addiction can damage nerve cells and disrupt the chemical balance in the brain, especially in areas responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and concentration. As a result, individuals lose control over their actions, which in turn can affect their family relationships and social environment.

The government continues to move quickly to eradicate this social disease, one of which is by blocking content related to Online Gambling. Acting Director General of Public Communication and Media (Dirjen KPM) of the Ministry of Communication and Digital, Molly Prabawaty, explained that this step was the result of cross-sector collaboration involving cyber patrols, public reports, and cooperation between related agencies. From October 2024 to early January 2025, 711,522 negative content was successfully removed from various digital platforms, including websites, social media, and file sharing services. Cumulatively, from 2017 to early 2025, the Ministry of Communication and Digital has blocked more than 5.5 million pieces of content related to online gambling, an achievement that deserves appreciation.

Firm action also includes blocking social media accounts that have hundreds of thousands to millions of followers because they promote online gambling sites. Molly emphasized that the government continues to remind the public to be vigilant against suspicious digital activities. Protecting children and young people from the negative influence of gambling is a top priority in creating a safe and conducive digital space for their growth.

Not only the Ministry of Communication and Digital, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) also took concrete steps by blocking thousands of bank accounts related to online gambling transactions. OJK’s Chief Executive of Banking Supervision, Dian Ediana Rae, revealed that until early January, OJK had blocked 8,500 accounts, an increase from the previous data of 8,000 accounts. This effort was carried out through cooperation with banks to improve early detection parameters and ensure that account closure steps are effective. With this step, it is hoped that financial activities related to online gambling can be minimized significantly.

On the other hand, the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Indonesian National Police has also shown its firmness in prosecuting online gambling perpetrators. One of the concrete steps taken is the seizure of assets in the form of the Aruss Hotel, which is suspected of being financed by funds from money laundering (TPPU) from online gambling platforms such as Dafabet, Agen 138, and Judi Bola. This seizure is a strong signal that the government is not only targeting digital activities, but also closing the economic channels of online gambling perpetrators to ensure a deterrent effect.

The success of eradicating online gambling cannot be separated from the direct direction of President Prabowo Subianto and the full support of the Minister of Communication and Digital Meutya Hafid. This effort is part of the grand vision towards Indonesia Emas 2045, where superior human resources are the main foundation of national development. Online gambling, as a form of cybercrime, not only damages public morals but also threatens economic and social stability. Therefore, the government’s steps to eradicate it must be supported by all elements of society.

The firm steps taken by the government are worthy of appreciation because they show seriousness in creating a safe and clean digital space from negative content. However, this struggle is not over yet. Online gambling is a complex problem that requires continuous supervision, cross-sector collaboration, and public awareness not to engage in such activities.

Given the negative impacts of online gambling on society, it is important for every individual to be more careful in their activities in the digital world. The government also needs to continue to strengthen digital literacy, so that people have the ability to recognize and avoid dangerous content and sites. Collaboration between the government, financial institutions, law enforcement, and the wider community is the key to success in eradicating this threat.

The efforts to eradicate online gambling carried out at the beginning of this year are real evidence that under the leadership of Prabowo-Gibran, the government is serious about protecting the public from the threat of unhealthy digital space. With strong commitment and public support, Indonesia can move towards a brighter future, free from the negative influence of online gambling. Let us make this momentum as an initial step to continue to work together to maintain a safe digital space and support the development of Indonesia’s golden generation.

)* The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Ema Forum

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