Government Uses Welfare Approach to Suppress Papua KST Violence

By : Veronica Lokbere )*

The welfare approach continues to be used by the Government of Indonesia. Not without reason, but this is considered to be an effective effort to be able to suppress all acts of violence that have been carried out by KST Papua. In addition, it is also a method that is able to reduce the potential for victims to fall by continuing to prioritize the safety of the people.

The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (Wapres RI), KH Ma’ruf Amin said that so far the Indonesian Government has continued to use a very comprehensive approach to security by paying attention to various matters and considerations in Papua. Of course, even though acts of violence continue to be carried out by the Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) in Cenderawasih Earth, it is absolutely not possible to take action directly as long as they attack.

In fact, it is very important and is proof that the Government of Indonesia continues to be wise in making decisions by taking into account the interests of the entire community, namely, the enforcement of KST Papua must also pay attention to the aspects of people’s safety.

It should also be noted that if a direct military aggression is carried out by sending several battalions of troops, then what the future impact will be, especially for the safety of the people. It cannot be denied that if this happens, of course the safety of the indigenous Papuan people (OAP) themselves will also be threatened.

It could be, they will actually become victims, even though they are completely innocent. Or there is also the possibility that precisely by taking actions that are immature and directly carrying out a military attack just like that, the separatist and terrorist groups will become more and more and use society as their shield of life.

Therefore, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has been making every effort to take a comprehensive security approach, which means not just attacking, but still and continuing to consider various other aspects such as security, whether the people are protected optimally, so that all of them can further suppress the potential for an additional number of victims that really doesn’t need to happen.

If then there is a view as if the Government is still not firm enough and is still unable to take concrete action against KST Papua, of course this assumption is a very wrong perception. How could it not be, the article is that so far territorial operations have continued to be carried out by the Government and security forces from joint personnel consisting of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), the Indonesian National Police (Polri) and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

With the ongoing territorial operations, the Government is really trying to be able to continue to maintain security and at the same time, on the other hand, continue to ensure that all people in Cenderawasih Earth remain safe and they do not support separatist movements.

Furthermore, a number of efforts to continue to improve themselves and make improvements regarding the most appropriate method, method or approach in dealing with gangs of separatist and terrorist groups in Papua are also carried out on a regular basis from the Government regarding the security approach carried out in the Province of Papua. East in the Motherland.

Of course, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia itself absolutely does not want and does not try and has absolutely no intention of all the actions taken so that in the future there will no longer be any accusations regarding alleged violations of human rights (HAM) committed.

The Government has a very strong desire to be able to really ensure and put things in order, including returning peace to the Land of Papua by cracking down on KST Papua. Even so, on the other hand, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia itself also continues to make efforts so that the security measures taken do not lead to issues that can actually be stirred up by certain irresponsible parties who seem to accuse the government of committing human rights violations. So it becomes very important to pay attention to many things.

Apart from that, in fact the Government of Indonesia itself already has a very strong commitment and so far has also proven this commitment, that is, instead of using a military approach, the government prefers to use a welfare approach in order to be able to suppress acts of violence on Cenderawasih Earth.

This effort has also been realized with the existence of regional expansion through a new autonomous region (DOB) in the province of Papua so that it is much easier for people to access various kinds of services so that they can be much closer and more affordable.

The existence of this welfare approach certainly leads to efforts for the welfare of the people in Cenderawasih Earth so that they can be far more advanced and also able to provide affirmation to the indigenous Papuans (OAP) about the Government’s seriousness in developing their region.

Aiming to be able to continue to suppress the existence of a series of heinous and violent acts that are always carried out by KST Papua and have caused many victims, it turns out that the Government of Indonesia prefers to take a welfare approach by continuing to build and advance Cenderawasih Earth, and pay attention to a safe comprehensive approach to suppress the emergence of potential victims that are increasingly widespread and ensure the safety of the people.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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