Optimal Security Forces Provide Protection to the Papuan People from KST Threats

By: Viktor Awoitauw )*

The security forces from the joint personnel continue to be optimally and maximally capable of providing and guaranteeing protection for civil society in Cenderawasih Land from the threat of separatist and terrorism committed by KST Papua which clearly threatens the safety of all parties.

Terrors carried out by the Papua Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) continue to occur in several areas in Cenderawasih, including in Nduga. Then with the series of acts of atrocities, atrocities and savagery that they carried out, then it was clear that they seriously threatened the safety of civil society.

However, even so, it turns out that the acts of terror carried out by separatist and terrorist groups did not always succeed in making the people of Papua fear just like that. The reason is, with the optimal protection that has been carried out by all security forces from the joint forces of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), the Indonesian National Police (Polri) to the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), now people can return to carrying out all their routines and are even able to do sports together.

And it has been proven that thanks to all the tireless hard work carried out by the security forces, they are able to make the community feel very comfortable and safe and feel that they have assurance of their protection and safety.

This nuance, namely when the Papuan people feel very safe with the protection provided by security personnel, occurs in the Kenyam District, Nduga Regency. Although in fact the development of the situation in the area can still be categorized as very high, in fact the youth and also the people in the area are able to show a warm atmosphere and continue to strengthen friendship together by holding many activities.

Even though KST Papua has actually carried out many acts of security disturbance in the Nduga region, they still feel safe under the protection of the Indonesian security forces.

Some of the series of acts of violence carried out by the separatist and terrorist groups included the incident last February where the pilot of the Susi Air Airline, Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens, had set fire to an airplane and also taken hostages.

Then, it didn’t end there, but a series of terror acts continued to be carried out, as happened at the end of last May, in which there was an incident in the form of a shot at Kp. Nonggoloit Kenyam District.

Of course, a very high appreciation deserves to be pinned on the hard work that has been carried out by the security forces from the joint personnel in order to be able to continue to ensure the conduciveness of the region in the easternmost province of the country, so that a society is created that is no longer afraid and does not affect their daily activities. -day.

It is known that all community activities in the Kenyam District were able to run smoothly as usual. Meanwhile, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the Papua Regional Police (Kabid Humas Polda), Police Commissioner (Kombes Pol) Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo said that hundreds of residents in Nduga had successfully fled and had returned to their homes.

For information, previously there were 162 residents in the Nogolaiy Complex, Kenyam Village, Nduga Regency, Highlands Papua Province who were forced to evacuate. Not without reason, the article was caused by disturbances from KST Papua on 26 to 29 May 2023.

The return of the community from evacuation continues to be very closely guarded by security forces from joint personnel and the Regional Government (Pemda) to be able to better ensure the safety of all local community members.

Of course, the success of the community to return to their hometown after carrying out the evacuation was a blessing from the cooperation of all security forces assisted by the local government.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Nduga Resort Police (Kapolres), Adjunct Police Commissioner (AKBP) Rio Alexander Panelewen added that the situation and security conditions in the Kenyam District have so far been able to continue with full conduciveness after the shooting incident that had occurred between the security forces. with the separatist and terrorist gangs in Papua.

Now, with the return of the refugees who are civilians to their villages again, of course the security forces will continue to improve security in all areas, especially in Nduga Regency. 

The protection that has been provided by the security forces from the joint personnel of the TNI, Polri and BIN to all civil society in Cenderawasih Land has indeed been very optimal so far and has continued to be maximized. Especially to be able to continue to protect citizens from the rampant threats launched by KST Papua.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bandung

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