Religious Figures Call for War Against Online Gambling to Save the Nation

Religious Figures Call for War Against Online Gambling to Save the Nation

By:  Agung  Suwandaru  )*

The rise of online gambling in Indonesia is a serious threat to society, especially in the increasingly advanced digital era. This problem has become a concern for various parties, including religious figures who have a great influence in shaping the morals and ethics of the people. 

In the celebration of Christmas 2024, the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Jakarta, Cardinal Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, highlighted the dangers of online gambling as a “social disease” that must be eradicated immediately. This statement illustrates the urgency to involve all elements of society, especially religious leaders, in efforts to combat this immoral practice.

Cardinal Suharyo explained that one of the main causes of people being exposed to online gambling is the temptation of advertisements that promise instant wealth. He emphasized that stories are often heard about families being destroyed because of online gambling or online loans. 

This condition is caused by the influence of advertisements that promise a quick way to get rich, but through dangerous instant steps. This phenomenon shows how digital technology can have a negative impact if it is not balanced with good moral education.

The impact of online gambling is not only financially detrimental, but also destroys the family structure and the future of the younger generation. Many families are destroyed by debts that accumulate due to gambling addiction. Not infrequently, people who are already trapped in online gambling turn to online loans to cover their losses, which actually worsens their economic condition. Cardinal Suharyo emphasized that the public must be given a better understanding of the risks of online gambling. Comprehensive education is needed to prevent the spread of this practice.

Likewise, the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), KH Anwar Iskandar, also expressed his concern about the decline in morals and ethics of society due to the negative impacts of digital technology. In the opening of the 4th National Working Conference (Mukernas) 2024 in Jakarta, he highlighted that online gambling and online loans are one of the main causes of extreme poverty. KH Anwar said that advances in information technology that are not balanced with good morals will bring many bad things. He also emphasized that the biggest challenge for this nation is weak morality. Even though online gambling accounts are closed or the perpetrators are prosecuted by the authorities, if the mentality of society is damaged and addicted, they will continue to find ways to continue this behavior.

On the other hand, KH Anwar Iskandar said that the destruction of morals and ethics does not only occur in online gambling, but also in various other problems such as drugs and corruption. All of this is a serious threat to the future of the nation that is preparing the golden generation.

He emphasized the importance of preaching that embraces and educates the community about moderate Islamic values ​​or wasathiyah. He invited to fortify this nation with preaching that is gracious, does not cause chaos, and focuses on education. KH Anwar also hopes that the Indonesian nation will not continue to fight with each other, which can weaken national unity.

Religious figures have a strategic role in eradicating online gambling through various approaches, both spiritually and socially. First, they can provide understanding to the community about the dangers of online gambling through lectures, sermons, or religious discussions. Moral messages delivered by religious figures are often more effective because they have moral authority in the eyes of the community. Second, religious figures can work together with the government and community organizations to create educational programs that focus on preventing online gambling. 

These programs can be in the form of seminars, social media campaigns, or training to improve people’s digital literacy so that they are more critical of misleading advertisements. Third, they can also act as mediators in families affected by online gambling. By providing spiritual and moral guidance, religious figures can help victims of online gambling to get out of this vicious circle.

KH Anwar Iskandar emphasized that MUI is committed to saving this nation from bad practices. He said that the root of this problem is the loss of fear of God. 

Therefore, the preaching carried out by the scholars must be able to touch the hearts of the people so that they return to the true values ​​of religion. According to him, the MUI will continue to think about saving this nation from bad practices.

Online gambling is not just a technological issue, but also a moral and social issue that requires serious attention from all parties. Religious figures, such as Cardinal Ignatius Suharyo and KH Anwar Iskandar, have shown their commitment to eradicating this practice through a moral and educational approach. 

However, their efforts require support from the wider community, government, and other organizations. In facing this challenge, we all have a responsibility to participate in eradicating online gambling. Education, supervision, and strengthening morality must be a priority in building a better society. As a nation that wants to achieve a golden generation, let us together protect our families and the younger generation from the dangers of online gambling. It is time for us to unite against this immoral practice for a brighter future for Indonesia.

)* Contributor to the Youth Alliance Rejects Online Gambling

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