The Job Creation Law Benefits Workers

The Job Creation Law Benefits Workers

By: Rivaldy Andrian )*

The workers do not have to make a fuss and then strike and demonstrate. Because in reality, the Job Creation Law benefits them. Even though there are rules that are changed, it is guaranteed that it will not worsen the employment climate. In fact, each employee also benefits from the annual bonus and other facilities.

The Job Creation Bill was inaugurated as a Law, 5 October 2020. Its ratification made all Indonesian people excited, because since the beginning the draft had been circulating. Unfortunately what is circulating is that it is finally “fried” and becomes a hoax. So that it causes misunderstanding in the community.

The Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah explained about the Job Creation Law. He stated that for the issue of a certain time work agreement, outsourcing, provision of labor salaries, and terms of termination of employment, nothing had changed. So workers don’t have to be afraid of this law, because it benefits them.

The workers questioned the city’s minimum wage being changed to the provincial minimum wage. The problem of wages is the main thing, because it affects the prosperity of the people. The Job Creation Law does not mention a reduction in nominal wages for workers. Even though the term UMK was changed to UMP, the number did not decrease.

Moreover, employees who work for more than a year are guaranteed to pay more than the UMP. Because the Job Creation Law returns the function of the minimum wage into a safety net. So, with the provincial minimum wage, workers’ welfare has increased. Because they are properly paid by the company.

Apart from guaranteed minimum wages, workers will also receive an annual bonus. Even the nominal can exceed the monthly salary. Of course, the bonus amount is in accordance with the labor period. The longer the working period, the more bonuses will be. This shows the seriousness of the government in prospering the workers.

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartanto stated that the Job Creation Law benefits workers, because there is JKP, aka job loss guarantee. JKP will be under BPJS Ketenagakerjaan and the government will provide financial support to the institution. It shows that the government is not giving up and is still concerned about unemployment.

JKP makes workers who have to be laid off get guarantees in the form of money, recommendations for new jobs, and job training. JKP is listed in article 46A of the Job Creation Law. This guarantee is something new, because usually people who are sent home can only get severance pay, but now they are given provisions in the form of training to improve their skills.

With job training, the skills of workers will increase. They no longer regret losing their jobs. But diligently practiced and finally got good at it. So that you can open your own business, with the training. In fact, you can recruit employees and become bosses. In this way, the number of unemployed will be reduced.

The workers also questioned the problem of working time, because it was stated that they were obliged to perform 40 hours of work. What is meant is not compulsory work for more than 8 hours but the work day is shortened. However, the compulsory working period is 6 days and in that day there are 8 hours of work. After 4 hours of work, they are also obliged to rest.

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil also asked the public not to simply reject the Job Creation Law. But just live it for 1 to 2 years first. If something doesn’t fit, then you can protest. In a sense, this law has not been implemented yet, but many people think badly and then reject it outright.

Do not easily believe hoaxes about the Job Creation Law. Moreover, at this time various versions of the draft bill have been circulating. Some are 1,000 pages, some are 904 pages. It could be that it was just a rough draft and not a law that was passed by members of the DPR. If indeed the original Job Creation Law has been circulating, then study it carefully.

)* The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

BenefitsJob Creation LawWorkers
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