Like a Simalakama Fruit, WNI ISIS Irony: Dissolated But Can Not Go Home Again

By: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

Hundreds of Indonesian Citizens (WNI) are referred to as militant Islamiq State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS). Now, their fate in Turkey is like eating simalakama fruit.

The presence of Indonesians who joined ISIS became the world’s spotlight. Indonesia is said to be the second largest country in terms of the number of Indonesians who join the radical ISIS group. Based on data from the Turkish Interior Ministry as reported by, on Saturday July 15, 2017, of a total of 4,957 ISIS foreign militants captured in Turkey, Russia is the largest in the world, 804 people. Followed by 435 Indonesians.

Upon the rise of the news, Head of the National Agency for Combating Terrorism (BNPT), Komjen Suhardi Alius spoke up. Suhardi explained that the Indonesians who joined the ISIS were not all fighter fighters. Of the 400 Indonesians, Suhardi said, it was not explained by the Turkish side of their status with ISIS.

Suhardi said that please remember, ranked the most after Russia, but remember from Russia it’s all fighter. If from Indonesia there are children, there are women, and our percentage of our population is 200 million more and that departs 400 people.

According to Suhardi, citizens who baiat to ISIS out of Indonesia because they are interested to live in a country with Islamic ideology. He explained but (in fact) until now we have seen that stuck in the border. It turns out they were lied to, meaning that his propaganda and promises were not as expected. Now they come out too hard.

Suhardi said the Indonesian citizen who joined ISIS was a false propaganda victim about the prosperous and based on the caliphate that the radical group did through the internet. He was concerned that many Indonesians eventually bite their fingers while in the middle of the ISIS group.

Suhardi said what to do there, here (Indonesia) is good. The point is that there are two motivations, the welfare issue, the two ideologies that they believe to be living there more Islamic are there to be seen seeing torture, daily violence. We see it from the side of many of our citizens who become victims of news in ISIS social media that is not true.

The three-star general reminded people not to be easily consumed by ISIS heaven’s promises, such as being told to sell all their property in Indonesia as hijrah capital and travel expenses will be replaced upon arrival in the ISIS area. Because seeking prosperity in conflict areas is difficult.

The same thing was also conveyed by Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi mentioned some of the citizens residing in Turkey were deprived Indonesian citizens.

Retno revealed that she wanted to explain, the figures are deportation figures from 2015 to 2017. Accumulative. I have a moment there. So this is the accumulated number of 2015-2017 deportants. Who was deported from Turkey. The number is 430 people. 2015 there are 193 people, 2016 there are 60 people, 2017 there are 177 people.

He hooked up when we talked deportant numbers, deportations, not that he was related to ISIS. Most of them have not had time to cross to Syria.

Various way out for WISI ISIS became a warm discourse. Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Wiranto and Head of BNPT Komjen Suhardi Alius supported the point of stateless discourse for Indonesian citizens indicated by ISIS in the revision of Anti-terrorism Law. This step is considered effective to frighten citizens who join ISIS.

Wiranto said, “In the revision of the Act there are citizens who clearly help terror to be revoked by their citizens.” Unplug the steteless, not have citizens, so it is easy to be pursued.

Suhardi also supported stateless discourse into the revision of anti-terrorism law in order to create a deterrent effect. It’s being discussed whether it can be with stateless discourse, if it’s conveyed people will nenggurungkan his intentions.

Suhardi admitted to always coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs related to the return of citizens from Turkey. His side keep trying to find the best way out. In the future, said Suhardi, WISI ISI who has been repatriated to Indonesia will follow the deradicalization program. Suhardi says they are following a deradicalisation program.

Not only a discourse, the return of Indonesian citizens of ISIS to the country also reap the pros and cons. Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu is angry at the actions of Indonesian citizens of ISIS. Ryamizard proposes that Indonesians who have joined ISIS do not need to return to Indonesia. “No more back,” and “Ngerepotin! Instead of ngerepotin, let it be there,”

The policy is expected to make a deterrent effect for Indonesians who join ISIS. Hopefully the future of Indonesian citizens no longer interested in ISIS. We as citizens have self-awareness to defend our homeland is not another country.

Hundreds of Indonesian Citizens (WNI)Islamiq State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS)National Agency for Combating Terrorism (BNPT)simalakamathe radical ISIS groupWNI ISIS Irony