By : Iboy Sandi )*

 Jakarta – CIDISS. Indonesia is a very pluralistic country, with a population of more than 260 million people and various tribes and religions in it makes the social conditions in Indonesia are very dynamic. Such conditions susceptible to “friction” that led to the conflict in an area. It certainly gives effect or a negative effect on a wide range of sectors such as security, politics and the economy.

With such diversity course to maintain the security of an area needed a strong law enforcement and assertive. But not only that, to maintain a security area may also utilize local wisdom in the area. By raising the cultural or local knowledge of an area expected to maintain the security of the region conduciveness based on the characteristics of each territory

Because each region has its respective local wisdom in solving various problems in the area. One of them like in Alor District, located in the province of East Nusa Tenggara. This district has been named as Interior Brotherhood because it can maintain the security situation based on local wisdom. Alor regency is the Homeland directly adjacent to the territory of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste (East Timor); countries which in 1999 formally secede from Indonesia’s sovereignty

Diversity is very visible in the lives of everyday people in Alor District, is like a miniature Indonesia, because the district is rich in a wide range of Natural Resources and Human Resources. Alor have various Tribe, Religion, Race and Indigenous. There are three clumps of cultural communities namely Community Alor Gunung Besar; Pantar community as well as communities that includes the Bird’s Head – Alor Beach – Pura; besides tribes from outside domiciled in Alor regency. Christian religion as much as 134 973 people with 489 places of worship; Islam embraces many as 57 487 people with 100 places of worship; Catholic adherents 6435 people with 22 places of worship and Hindu / Buddhist as many as 180 people at one place of worship.

The kinship, harmony and tolerance Alor community is very strong because it is tied motto of local wisdom “Taramiti Tominuku” which means one in diversity as well as the slogan “Ite Kakang Aring” which means we are all brothers. The beauty of unity in this kinship makes Alor State crowned the Brotherhood. SARA diversity in Alor district is seen as a potential and challenges in the dynamics of social berkehidupan. However, it can be neutralized with local knowledge possessed by the Alor regency in maintaining the security and unity and brotherhood among the people in it. Thus the local knowledge of each area can also be utilized in maintaining security and stability in order to maintain the integrity of the NKRI.

)* Jakarta Contributor

Diversitydynamiclocal wisdompluralistic countrythe security situation
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